Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Ides

Yesterday it was tsunami devastation and birdsong, today it's radioactive clouds and birdsong. Bloody hell, what next? I have a dear friend whose mother just died, another dear friend whose mother is in hospice, another dear friend who was just laid off, another dear friend who was just kicked out of his office space. Still: the birds are singing, the buds are opening on the tulip magnolia trees, the dogs are frolicking. Tra-la-la.

Me? I'm cleaning closets, almost compulsively, pulling everything out, dusting the shelves, putting everything back. I'm keeping an eye on my friends, sending love in the direction of Japan, baking cakes, softly singing prayers for healing. What else can I do but try to stay grounded?

This era is all about uber ups and uber downs, I know. It's OK. I'm not against upheaval, I'm not against radical change, but I really hate all the suffering, I really do.


Minka said...

Like the birds, we also seem thoughtless and selfish, inconsiderate and unsympathetic. But apart from sending love and good thoughts, I don't think I can really do much.
I doo feel with them, though. It could be anybody. It could be us. After all, the world is small and round.

jeanette from everton terrace said...

I'm now thinking about the flowers and the birds and imagining that through all the tragedies the world has suffered, there must have been blooms and music in the air. Quite something to think about.

Reya Mellicker said...

I don't think the birds or we humans are thoughtless and selfish. The birds are doing what they do - chirp. It's their job.

We wring our hands and worry, but we also launch in, find survivors, clean up the mess, and love each other so so much.

Reya Mellicker said...

Yes, Jeanette, me, too. Even in the darkest of times, those birds woke up and sang their little hearts out. Sweet to imagine.

Whitney Lee said...

When in doubt, put one foot in front of the other and keep on keeping on. I'm not really a big fan of change (pretty resistant actually, unless I've got a guarantee it's for the better, and, seriously, how often does that happen?), but mostly I hate the feeling of helplessness.

ellen abbott said...

Feeling miserable about something I can do nothing about doesn't help them or me. for every misery, there is a delight. I'll try to keep the delightful half expanding.

Reya Mellicker said...

THanks, Ellen. You and the birds! Bravo!!

Elizabeth said...

I think it's the old "pathetic fallacy" idea.....

raindrops are MEANT to trickle down the windowpane as we weep etc

storm clouds......blah blah

but nature keeps on truckin'
just sending much love and some money Japanwards and loving my friends lots and lots....

Nancy said...

I think you speak for most of us, Reya.

janis said...

Interesting... I couldnt help but notice how strong the songs the birds seemed to have this morning were. I was outside with my pups for their morning visit outside, and Riley noticed it first getting rather excited by the old pine tree. I noticed it was full of cheerful little birds that were singing away!

Reya Mellicker said...

What would we do without the birds?

Tess Kincaid said...

Look at your magnificent magnolias! They do have a healing quality, don't they?

Bee said...

The dogs and the magnolia flowers DO cheer a person. It does seem that there is more bad news around than normal -- and more natural disasters -- but it certainly fixes the mind as to what is really important.

mouse (aka kimy) said...

what a wonderfully profound and right-on post....

suffering sucks but it is there (always), and yet so is the joy and the birds

hugs sweet reya

thank you always.....

Raising Raynor, FidosForFreedom's Puppy-ADIT said...

Uber ups and downs, yes, that is putting it almost too mildly.

One foot in front of the other ...
sometimes, it's simply necessary to hunker down, and hope that whatever cover there might be, will suffice, because, tragically, sometimes, it simply won't.

Glad for birds to sing where they are able.

Perhaps they are sending acoustical sound waves for the souls of all beings to follow, through the sharp twists and turns of a far too tumultuous time.

Lives, hearts, spirits, are shattering.

Sound can be something for beings to follow.

Even in the dark.

Sometimes, the sounds are of groans and cries of suffering.

Which ... must be heard and tended to, as best as each one of us is able...

Along with the birds.

Along with the dogs.

Along with the budding trees.

Each spirit, even suffering ones, have their own, essential song.

Wishing for, and sending spirit waves, of peace.

Pauline said...

It's hard to equate beauty and agony, especially when you are embedded in either. What else can you do but love and hope and help?