Do you have a talent that makes you uncomfortable? I've always wondered if being double jointed (I'm not, thank God) is kind of creepy for the person who can, for instance, bend her hand all the way backwards to touch her arm. Or if you have a voice so piercing it can break glass. (Is that true or just a legend?) Or maybe, depending on the personality of the individual, these strange talents are something to be proud of.
Skills and powers come in all shapes and sizes. In theory I believe it's important to be grateful for all gifts that are a part of my being. In reality, being a psychic, especially here in twenty-first century Washington DC, can be problematic.
I used to think that given a choice, I'd prefer to be good at making money, or at math. I would love to have a beautifully critical mind or be handy, able to fix things when they break.
While proudly maintaining a healthy skepticism, I'm trying to pivot my thoughts about my own gifts. If I wasn't in some sense a psychic, I don't think I'd be as good a healer as I am, and I AM grateful to be a good healer. Slowly but surely I'm cultivating a sense of compassion about all of who I am. Better late than never!

Gosh your I didn't think it was possible for your photos to become more atmospheric and evocative. Roll on winter!
I think many people are uncomfortable with the gifts they have. When I was a child I was absolutely sure i wanted to write books and tell stories but for ages I stubbornly refused to write a single word (I dictated them through my mother). Yes, sometimes it takes several decades to accept and be compassionate about yourself and the contribution you can make. The first part of the hero's journey usually involves a refusal of the call to adventure.
In Africa an initiate who is 'chosen' to be a sangoma (traditional healer) has to undergo the thwasa - until you submit to the calling you are inflicted with extreme unexplainable illness and misfortune. The ancestors' way of telling you that you have no choice but to accept your gifts. I'd be fascinated to know if you have had a thwasa experience.
I have a tad of psychic ability and wish it was honed in more. It's a bit on the Aunt Agatha side. teehee.
You are fortunate to have the gift of healing.
I wish I could show you the tick that bit me this weekend. Maybe you could tell me if you thought it was carrying Lyme's Disease.
I think you're right -- it's important to be thankful for all gifts!
That taurus emblem does suggest hecate, also the visuals bring to mind "through a glass darkly". I find self-acceptance and self-forgiveness challenging because they are ongoing, not tasks that can be finished. There is some very young part of us that thinks we ought to arrive at some peak in life and remain always on that eminence.
I never minded. It's all just information.
(Good morning, sweetie!)
love having the puddle 'reflect' the car--love the change from car reflecting nature to nature reflecting machine
seems to have some deep significance for me this morning
after a week long retreat
and another shift in my thinking
brought on by a marshal arts master from the poorest West Virginia Appalachian(sp?) community
how did you snag a ticket for Jan. 20? you know I'll be with you in spirit and heart!
All my love,
Funny, I was thinking about putting together a post on a psychic moment. Now I'm even more encouraged. It is a little strange when you read my mind. But I don't mind. I figure it's probably more info than you want to know. What's the Spiderman line "With great power comes great responsibility"? Sometimes it's nice to rest and let someone else take the burden.
Anyway, we need to plan a get together! I'll be in touch.
I guess it's all about learning to accept yourself, and then work to enhance your gifts. Great top photo; so much depth.
Pandora you're just so ... perfect. How do you do it? Thank you.
And all the rest of you, too.
Tam I have had the thwasa experience, oh yeah. I'll email the details.
Artsparker - I am so ignorant about cars - didn't know it was a Taurus. How cool. That pic is very blurry because in order to get the reflection of the car, I had to zoom in from a great distance. My cheap camera just couldn't quite handle it. Later, when I saw how blurry it was, I decided to think about it as artsy instead of just blurry. Glad ya'll agree!
Okay, so I'm told time and time again how I have a remarkable ability to hit that very spot that HURTS! ohmygodthathurts!. So, I guess I have a talent that can make other people uncomfortable.(As it happens, I can usually also pick out your insecurities, which is another story. I try to use both of these abilities for good.) What I usually say is:
I can remember, as a new soul, waiting in line at the "talents" window. When I finally get to the front of the line, the guy asks me what I'd like. So, I tell him I'd like to be able to always touch someone where it feels especially good. He chuckles for a moment, gives me my talent and sends me on my way.
Just wait till I get my hands on that guy...
Ulysses!! So great to "see" you.
Your talent is perfect for your profession. And oh yeah I do feel sorry for that guy when you put your hands on him cuz ... you'll find the right spot.
Psychic yes, but also this memory that remembers in detail....as I have always said, "A blessing...and a curse."
Continue to cultivate, some have more level of awareness than others but if you are openminded and willing to acknowledge this psychic tendencies, the experience will be more satisfying. I guess i will consider myself a healthy skeptic like you, but i do believe that there is still a lot to tap on our psyche.
Love these photos!!
I don't think I would mind too much if I had that gift. It would be hard to tune it all tho with too much information coming in. Kind of like a radio receiver, just turn the dial a little bit more or less!
I think it got to my dad sometimes.
Lovely reflective photos --amazing actually. My family says I'm very psychic, I have dreams that come true a lot, so they always ask me what I've been dreaming about.
So - what have you been dreaming about?
I can easily slip into someone else's emotions. When I am in a centered space it helps me to be more aware and therefore more compassionate. However, when I am off balance it often results in me picking up bits of emotion from all over and making them my own.
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