Feeling so grateful this morning for the awesome and pervasive power of love. Thanks Keith Olbermann for your special comment about Prop 8 last night. Thanks for your rational mind and good heart, and thanks for this quote, used by Clarence Darrow in a murder trial (of all things!) Thank you!!
So I be written in the Book of Love;
I do not care about that Book above.
Erase my name, or write it as you will,
So I be written in the Book of Love.
the moody pic is great.
Thanks for that link. While I was there I watched the Obamas meet the Bushes. Still laughing at how Obama said they both look "autumnal". Is it just me who finds this very apt and very hilarious?
It IS hilarious, and fabulous, too.
Thanks, Squirrel.
Hope I'm not repeating myself, but for some religion=fear. There are also some with a devout belief that salvation lies in getting someone who isn't you to stop doing something, which seems inattentive (as well as unaffectionate toward other people). I have no TV reception, so that was my first experience with Keith Olbermann - he synthesized a lot of what I have been thinking. It comes back to the same old thing, love has to win over fear.
Marriage is shifting; it must. Not long ago it was illegal for the races to "mix" and to marry. Besides, at the end of the day, marriage is a business partnership, much like any other. Sorry to be unromantic, but all individuals should have such a partnership should they so desire.
That's just what Keith says, plus he asks that everyone have a chance to love and be loved. Yeah! Why not??
How well the elements in the picture merge to create a wistful feel.
I am glad that Keith renounced the lunacy that played out in CA. This will change, just not fast enough for my taste.
Reya, thank you so much for the link. I watched it, and cried. I DO have good friends that are affected by this HATE-LAW. We will be part of a protest this saturday, wish me luck.
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