At 5:30 last night it was still light outside, proof that the wheel of the year has turned and the quickening of spring is coming.
Ordinarily I am thrilled to see the return of the light, but somehow not this year. I wonder why? Maybe it's because we've yet to see any snow in Washington DC. Unlike the midwest or New England, we usually get just enough snow to cool, purify and bless the land, but not so much that we get sick of shoveling. So maybe I'm still waiting for snow.
I've had lots of good books to read this winter, too. When it's cold and gloomy I don't waste a single second worrying about whether or not I should be outside instead of inside. Completely free of any doubt about how to spend the day, I sit on the couch, drink cups of tea and read all afternoon. An afternoon spent reading is pure luxury.
Spring is hard for me. The beauty of it is almost unbearable to my tender heart, yet of course I can't resist it either. Also every spring it's inevitable that I will have to deal with allergies and face the limits of my aging body. Or maybe I'm just getting lazy, who knows?
Lazy or not, the birthday of spring is just around the corner on February 2, the halfway point between winter solstice and spring equinox. I guess I'd better bear down on all my reading, so I'll be ready to get out there when the warm weather arrives.
Not yet, though, OK? (Speaking to the weather gods.) Not quite yet. Please?

I'm thoroughly enjoying the winter too. Last year we couldn't get down the sledding hill but this year we've had tons of fun. DC never was all that great for snow.
I'm guessing that when Spring arrives. I'll enjoy that too. I love crocuses.
After ten years here, I'm finally missing snow and gloom.
What are you reading?
I love when it's warm out because I can go lay out under our tree and read. :) I'm still trying to figure out the best way to hang a hammock when we only have one tree... that's the best place to read in the spring and summer. :)
Love your pictures. The reason we have winter is for readers to curl up and enjoy. My husband gets cabin fever and has to get up and get out a couple times a day. I could hibernate for days and read. The rest of the seasons you need a rainy day.
Is that the Gold Puppy I see through the blueness? Great shot. Thanks for the photos of the inaugural excitement.
We got a few more inches of snow today and I absolutely love it! Spring is a beautiful season, but my allergies play a number on me and I don't tolerate heat like I used to. So, for the moment, I am enjoying my "mind of winter".
Reya, I hope you will have a bit of snow . . . as for me, I'm moving on to snowdrops!
(Aren't warm, muggy days also a good excuse to stay inside with a book?)
I loved this line of yours: "The beauty of it is almost unbearable to my tender heart."
You haven't seen snow yet in DC?
Bite your tongue!
Tut - Ever the nerd, I am reading books about brain function, neurology and physiology of consciousness.
You're speaking my language! I adore winter and the simple choices and the reading... Spring carries that wonderful promise, but somehow also expectations. Here in West Michigan, we've been known to get snow into April. I think I'm safe for a couple of months yet!
This tree shadow is wonderful! It looks like a two headed tree. Two trees talking. If yours is one, who would the other be?
Did u notice that I used another of your pics in my Jan 20 post? It was one of the White House. I hope it is OK that I use them giving proper proper credit.
I too am a nerd and love reading books on anatomy, physiology, neurophysiology, the brain, cosmology and consciousness. My friends once gave me a pocket protector with my name on it.
This year seems a bit colder here in Texas. We've had waves of cold fronts, perhaps 2 a week for the last couple of months. I love the cold days. It is great to be indoors reading or working on my computer. We don't have much chance of snow, but we desperately need rain or precipitation of any sort. We have old trees dying all over our area because of the severe drought. I long for rain ... a slow steady rain lasting several hours and hopefully days.
By the way, I have tagged you. Please visit my site for more details.
Oh, I love your photo collage!
I love winter too, with no call to set down the books or writing or coffee to go outdoors and tend the yard. New England seems to be having an old fashioned winter, lots of snow and continued cold!
A pocket protector with your name on it?? Wow. What an honor!
That tree shadow picture is fantastic! I love pictures of trees, esp. winter ones.
i'm finding it hard to believe january is almost gone already
i love the little jake (jake little?) shot
ooooo - lovely collage...! do you think you will get some snow or is it too late now?? xxx j
It is funny to hear that you want snow because here in So.CA we pretty much never get snow, so I guess I never think about it. We can see it in the surrounding mountains when they have enough of it, but we have been in a drought and have had very little rain, so no snow to see this year. The weatherman says that since we are having a dry Jan. that usually means a wetter Feb. and Mar., so if that happens maybe the storms will work their way across the country and you will get your snow in a few weeks. That would be nice for you it seems.
Just let my granddaughters dog in and saw we just had a light rain, then sat down to keep writing and I heard some thunder, rarely hear that here. And just heard more, it is now pouring rain and hail is falling hard, so maybe this will be a storm that helps our drought here and in Texas. I was also just watching my recording of the news, north of us will be getting snow and that storm might cross the country to you. Weird almost like my wish for you is coming true.
I love reading and nice to hear about anyone who loves to read. As a child my mom used to catch me up at 2a.m. still reading. I do not read as much any more because I am in a lot of pain from a torn tendon in the shoulder so doing anything is hard right now, but I have some books waiting. I just read things on my computer right now cause it is faster and easier.
Thank you so much for the info about the template and maybe I will experiment with choosing a different one. Maybe as I learn more things about posting I will figure out how to make it larger and improve it with pictures so maybe someday someone other than just me visits it. Thank you again.
I just wanted to say "Thank You", I went in and found a new template and got it all changed. Will learn how to add pictures sometime, but for now am happy it is larger and I can read it. Plus sorry for the long, long, previous post above. God Bless you.
Love the collage! Would love to see more like that of your beautiful city!
I'm ready for Spring. Since we here in Florida only see the elusive white stuff fall from the sky every couple of decades or so, I'm not getting my hopes up. But we're due. Last snowfall was Christmas '89.
I'll do a native Floridian snow dance for you Reya.
Of course it worked! It was an authentic ritual! ;)
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