Lion head and his shadow, a Rajastani guy in silhouette.
DC is feeling mighty lively here at the beginning of the final week before the inauguration. The energy is gathering, beginning to take shape, expanding and intensifying. It's so strong that even the most obtuse among us can feel it. Maybe in Kansas City, or San Francisco, or Portland, Oregon there are people who will not tune in to the energetics involved, but here? Resistance is futile.
Long before we knew January 20, 2009 would be Obama's first day, millions of us pasted widgets in our blogs so we could count down the last days of the Bush administration. The anticipation of change has been in the hearts and minds of Americans for a long time, so it's no wonder that even 9 days out, the energy is so cohesive. Group mind is so very very powerful. It's exciting! And, as of this week, absolutely impossible to ignore.
Silly DC business owners who were contemplating the idea of staying open because they love business as usual, or think nothing should interfere with their schedule, or whatever, have suddenly opened their eyes. Everything is going to be closed, except restaurants and retail. I do mean EVERYTHING. January 20th is going to be all about celebration and traffic jams. I'm so looking forward to it.
Also fun is the process of deciding which inauguration party to attend. There are dozens of options here on Capitol Hill. I've received invitations to parties taking place across town as well. In order to dance in shamanic alignment with the energy of the inauguration, it will be necessary to get fancied up and par-tay that night, one way or another. What a cheerful task, isn't it? Oh yeah!

my housemates will be in Puerto Rico, so I'm having an Inauguration fundraising party for AFSC-KC.
We decided to go formal to the waist--glitz up top, jeans, sweats, whatever on the bottom.
It is the 200th year since the first Inaugural Ball hosted by Dolly Madison at $4 a head for 400 people.
Good bye anger, good bye Bush and Che. . .
Have a great time, Reya.
I'm so excited just to read about the excitement on your blog! We just had a friend call to see if his friend could stay with us and take public transit down to DC even though we now live 2 hours away. Surprise, she's blind. She just wants to be there to feel the energy.
I wish the new President Obama all the best. I feel the world is waiting impatiently for change and I hope that Obama will start that journey. We should follow him in his initiative by changing some of our bad habits and bad judgements.
Enjoy Reya the inauguration and the party.
We will be celebrating here in Nevada with you!! The end of the Bush era - hip hip hooorraaay!
I think It would be scary for me, I'm a wimp where large amounts of people are concerned. I liked the procession of dolphin clouds in the previous post.
oh no, gwb, the gift that just keeps on giving will be no more?
oh yeah ; )
wish we were there ; )
cheers 2 ya ; )
I just hope I wont have any problem getting into the city day of - I expect I'll be walking across some bridge from va into the city as from what my ma said there probably will be no other way!! good thing I have comfortable hiking boots, just hope the weather is cooperative
Sounds amazing. I wonder what might happen this side of the pond. Out here in the sticks maybe nothing much. I'll watch the news and find out!
I feel the excitement building as well and am kicking myself for not planning on attending this historic event. I'll be looking to you to share some of it on your blog for a more personal view than I'd get anywhere else. Whew, it won't be long now!
Look forward to hearing about it, and seeing lovely pics after the inauguration.
We will be doing our celebrating here in Atlanta!
Mama Shujaa
take alot of pics and stay safe Reya!
xx lori
Is this inauguration so much more elaborate than previous ones? Or, are we just talking about it more? What about all the stuff with Obama's image; aren't we sick of it yet?
TEll you what, we'll be glued to the television set taking in all the details. Thank you for sharing your front row ticket with all of us.
I will remain here in Hooterville, so as not to add to the crowd woes.
Did you like Bush at all? I didn't really agree with him most of the time.
Merle your devotion to the greater good is truly admirable.
lakeviewer - We're expecting at least a million visitors to attend this inauguration. Some estimates go as high as six million, though no one knows for sure how many will attend.
Only JFK attracted a million people. Most inaugurations bring between 200,000 and 500,000 people.
i detested Bush to such a degree that after his first term I couldn't bear to see him on the news or listen to a word he said.
If he had tried, he couldn't have done more to destroy the U.S. During his tenure, he actively participated in ruining our economy, health care system, educational system, stature in the world, and the environment.
Bush was one, if not the, worst president we've ever had. Good riddance!
Hello! Apologize for my writing in English full of errors. I'm an Italian guy who looks a few blogs for information.
I would leave a positive comment on the post well done. My passion to write poetry, my goal would be to open a room in Paris to go on living.
Thanks for your understanding dimenticavo beautiful photos .....
a greeting Carlo
How I wish that I could be a part of it all! I guess that I will spend the evening the same way I did the election returns . . . up late, and alone. But never mind. I send my happy thoughts to be with you in D.C.
Last night we were listening to Radio 4 and they were doing a show on Bush's rhetoric style. (Did you realize that he had one?) They also shared some of the classic "Bushisms." So funny -- but you almost can't believe he said some of stuff! Like you, I couldn't/can't bear the way he sounds!
it must be amazing to be there in the thick of it
looking forward to catching some of the excitement, via you
Yes, we, in Malaysia, send our heartiest congratulations to incoming President-elect Obama. A daunting task after the inauguration awaits his team in the solution to the economic melt-down affecting the world too.
We shall remain optimistic in the coming years of a peaceful world.
Love you thoughts, but just curious as a Kansan why you chose Kansas City as a place where some may not be tuning in your list? No jabs- just curious?
I am not a big crowd person and would not want to be within a hundred miles of the inauguration event. That's way too many people. I'll watch from the telly.
debt relief
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