After days of dramatic roiling, suddenly yesterday the energy field surrounding the inauguration dropped. Or stopped. Or something. I couldn't locate it in the ether. Puzzled, I walked down to the Capitol to see what had happened.
Here on the Hill and at the Capitol, life was oddly calm yesterday, especially in terms of traffic, tourists, and outdoor activity. Though there were construction vehicles and platforms everywhere around the Capitol, I only saw one or two workers. Stranger still was the fact that there were virtually no tourists hanging around, always a weird thing in DC. Some chairs had been set up on the Capitol lawn, but elsewhere there were tall stacks of them, untouched, like standing stones scattered across the lawn.
Maybe all the hubbub about the inauguration was the peak of the energy; maybe it's going to be less of an event than predicted. Or maybe yesterday was like that moment in between breaths, that pause between inhale and exhale. Who knows? Interesting, though, no matter what it means.

Reya, what a great picture. Look at the undulating flow of pattern in those chairs. There is something powerful there, waiting to take off. I can feel it from here.
I bet it's the pause before . . .
You always have great pictures!
In a sense, how nice to have that quiet moment, an announcement of what is to come, in a way. It seems that to be there in that photograph would feel almost otherworldly. Nice shot.
I love the photo! It has anticipation written all over it.
I think the malaise in the country has taken some of the excitement of the inauguration. People have big worries.
Interesting about the calm. And your photo captures it so well!
Hi Reya,
It's juat a pause. The energy will be regenerated.
Reya, I found your blog through blogs of note and I clicked on it because of the title... But you captivate my attention because you are in a place that I would love to be. I appreciate your inside view and the personal connection you give me to one of my favorite cities in the United States.
Wow! What a cool picture! I teach eighth grade and the social studies teacher I work with loved it too- she printed it out to show her students!
That's really great! I took some more pics today. The energy does seem to be rising again, though still fairly mellow.
As I drove down Pennsylvania Ave. (on my way home from the supermarket) Beethoven's sixth symphony was blasting from the car radio. The workers are busy putting up the parade bleachers on either side of the street. Watching them work with the music background was so perfect! Like being in a movie.
I too think it's resting up for what is to come. I just love that photo of all the chairs. Just waiting ...
Did you rent out your house? I know you were talking about it.
It's all going to be so exciting!!!!!!
the calm before the storm??
dont forget the boundaries!!
enjoy x
i love your pictures.
especially this one, the one with the chairs. its beautiful.
I agree, very cool picture. It's interesting you note the lack of energy -- we've seen a very similar experience in the market... a whole lot of anticipation leading up to the election without much follow up.
Thanks for sharing!
this is going to be out of control!! I cant wait to see your pictures form the event. Will you be there?
Oh, I definitely think it is the moment between breaths!
I'll be on the outskirts, checking out the energy, taking pics as best I can from such a distance.
No doubt I'll beat a hasty retreat when/if the energy starts to bog me down. I've been warned by good friends to put up my shields.
I'll be working Sunday when the big concert takes place at the Lincoln Memorial. In a certain way I'm sadder that I'll miss that than the inauguration. The area around the Lincoln Memorial is so sad, heavy, melancholy. It needs some cheering up and I think it's going to get just that! Lots of music, people and energy.
Fantastic photo Reya. I'm sure you could sell it!! Very cool. :) Theres a real sense of anticipation....
It is like planning and executing a giant party or a huge wedding. There are months of planning, decision making, ordering, hiring, staffing and choreographing. Finally, everyone knows their job. They diligently work right up to the deadline to complete their projects. The guests, too, are doing their part. Making travel plans, packing and spiraling ever closer toward their destination. The day of the event starts calmly, with eager anticipation. And then, about two hours before the guests arrive, the once large circles of the spiral are nearly on top of each other. A frenetic melee ensues. The energy is condensing for its final, orgasmic shudder. Ahhhh. Can you tell I've had to execute too many events?
P.S. I had to look up meme and now I understand the interview concept.
Excellent picture Reya. You may not have felt the energy, but looking at your photo, I sure did!
I too appreciate your great pix and point of view from D.C. I was with people today who have started talking about watching the swearing in next Tues. I think the energy is going to build.
Oh My Gosh! This is so exciting! the antcipation is growing... I am so glad I "met" you prior to the Inauguration. Following your blog has been so interesting. Your photos intrigue me so. I have shared with my family , especially recently with the knowledge of your hometown and the excitement of your environment.
I hope you will continue to keep us posted and feed us more pictures! Thank you Reya!
Odd. I was in NYC on Sunday and it was oddly calm there too. NY is quieter than usual on Sundays but it was very quiet Sunday afternoon. Then my daughter wondered if it was because there was a big football game happening and that everyone was indoors watching it. Kind of a disappointing explanation if true. It was pleasant, though. I love to feel the energy changes in a city. I remember wandering around San Francisco on Christmas day years ago and marveling at how quiet everything was....
I sincerely doubt the energy in DC is going to remain calm much longer. Can't wait to feel it in person next week!
love the picture, like Tut Tut said, undulating...
Hi, love your blog. I had a dog named Jake. He was a great pal. Lived 17 years. Your photos are awesome. I will check back often.
I like your blog! Please check mine out, it's a funny look at the life of a teacher who is also a first time, stressed out mom to a growing boy. A unique look into friends, family, and parenting.
What a beautiful picture you've taken there. I remember seeing the same scene, through icy rain, the day before the GWB inauguration in 2001, and thinking it not so beautiful...it seems a scene filled with happy expectancy. I think the energy will be huge, and hopefully it will be uplifting, not downbogging. But still, put up those shields, because if you're anything like me, even joyous energy can sometimes wack you out.
My students and I are going to watch the proceedings on tv on Tuesday. I wish we could be at the actual event together. I can't wait for your reports...
So much fun. I am happy you got to be on the Bloggers of Note. I will add you on my interesting blog list. I once visited your city. Saw two opposite sides. That was back in the early 90s. Have things changed in that regard?
I can totally imagine that music playing, maybe the should be blasting the 9th Symphony for gw ala Clockwork Orange ; (
Great shot and no excitement like this sine JFK. Pretty sad, but nice to see a positive change.
K-brow - I am smoothing my energy field on a daily basis these days, gearing up.
We stocked the house with groceries, bought a case of wine. If need be, we can hunker down inside. I hope we don't have to, though. I would like to feel as if I participated in some way.
Yes, like you, even too much positive energy can knock me down.
Oh Reya... you have captured a very special moment in time with your photo and your thoughts. I think the energy will be there again. I think it may have something to do with the change of administration. Everyone is packing up to leave,and all the feelings attached to that. I have to say that I have not felt such anticipation regarding a inauguration ever. I feel that we can all breath and perhaps the quiet is as has been said...taking a breath.
at the risk of being repetitive - it is a great picture, so still and the lines of the chairs are wonderful.
I also love the cone and the single chair, hovering on the outskirts...
It's strange, isn't it? I've never worked in DC during inauguration season before, but the whole affair has such a different feel this time. Both W inaugurations were dreadful, at least for me.
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