Life is hell for everyone living in the Gaza strip, not to mention thousands of other places on earth. Here in the states, folks are being laid off, fired. People are watching their businesses go down the drain.
Me? All I can think about is my injured hand. "It" gets worse every day, and because "it" is attached to my body, I am consumed by my worries about it, forgetting all the suffering everywhere else. My ailing hand feels like the most important thing in the world. For heaven's sake.
Shouldn't belittle myself, should I? My hands are my livelihood after all, and, too, as I always tell my clients, when the oxygen masks fall from the ceiling, first put on your own, then assist others.* In other words, attend to your own issues, then worry about the Gaza strip.
I guess.
*Everything you need to know is included in airline jargon.
A very interesting photo and thought-
provoking post. Thanks. I added your blog to the ones I'm following.
What part of DC are you in? I'm on the border between Mt. Pleasant & Columbia Heights on 16th St. NW.
what's wrong with it???? achy? why??? xxx j
ouch. So sorry your hand is not getting better yet. Don't feel badly about being worried about it - as you say, its the way you earn your livelihood. Give it all the attention it needs. Hope it gets better soon.
Greg I live on Capitol Hill. Thanks!
achey, ouchy aqnd now swollen too.
the osteopath will help me. thank god for osteopathy!
Swollen? My right hand was swollen lately, but I knew why - I had fallen flat on my stomach and tried to protect me with my hand. It felt very painful for a while, especially when people grabbed my hand to wish me a happy new year! But, I allowed it to heal all by itself, (that is my mantra: my body will heal itself)and now it is almost as good as new. I wish you all the best, Reya!
I'd get your hand checked out if you haven't yet...computer usage begs for overusing our limbs. :)
i'm off to the osteopath this afternoon.
Don't be so hard on yourself, one has to take care of themselves first, in order to be help to others. "Charity begins at home."
Yes, indeed, the world is a troubled, worrisome place.
I truly find your blogs & pictures very interesting. Take care of that hand.
I ignored my achy left shoulder for 2 months, assuming it was just arthritis.
Just discovered I injured it at the gym, and now getting physical therapy.
Listen 2 Auntie, and get it checked out!
Feel better soon/
Hi Reya, my name is Audrey. I'm brasilian and my english is bad in true.
I read your blog and, well....
I like your ideas and i go on reading, ok?!
See you.
Get well soon!
I wish you all the best as you heal. I hurt my hand from a fall over the summer and it seemed like it took forever to get better. Hopefully your healing process will be quicker than mine. Don't feel bad about pampering it. I would be doing the same thing! It's such a reality check on how much we use parts of our bodies when we don't have the same usage of it when it's out of service!
Sorry about your hand. Hope it gets better soon.
You have the right idea... Covey would say "Circle of influence" (your hand) versus "Circle of concern" (the Gaza Strip). First things first--get the hand attended to! Hope you feel better soon!
Great photos - will follow for more. I certainly know what a bad economy is like here in Michigan...
Anyway keep up the posts, and good luck with your hand!
I sense a tsunami of healing energy is directed towards you from all of us in your cyberhood.....hope it & you are better in a blink.....
Visit from Sweden :-) I like your blog (and your "puppy".
I agree with everything you say. I know it can sound selfish, but if we attended to ourselves, and got ourselves in order before trying to sort out everyone else's life, the world would be a better place; I'm sure of it.
I live in Israel and let me tell you, don't worry. we had enough of all the world's fake concerns. My friends live in the Gaza strip and I call them everyday to cheak out what happend and if somth is worng. It is hell. But please, mind your own business.. and it's not with bad feelings.. but all the world is against us.. do you know how it feels? likely not.
Just don't tell me we're going to have a "water landing."
Hope your hand feels better. :)
I tripped over your blog today and and loved it...shinny photos, PUPPY dog, bodywork, and interesting words. All the things I love. After clicking on your profile, I noticed many similarites between us. I, too, am a 55 year old, Aquarian bodyworker. But I am from the left coast while you are from the right. Which day is your Bday?
Oh, I forgot to add that I sympatize with your achy-breaky hand. My right thumb has been giving me painy twinges. It is scary when it is your money maker.
Thanks so much for all the good wishes and healing thoughts! Ibelieve with all my heart that it makes a difference.
Diagnosis: secere strain complicated by a skin infection. Weird. I'm back on antibiotics...but mI feel well cared for.
To the anonymous commenter - It's not for me to say who is "right" or who is to blaem for the ongoing problems in the middle east. All I know for certain is that it's complicated.
I think it's a fair assessment to say that life is hell in Gaza right now for everyone living there. I make no judgments but feel a lot of sorrow about the situation. I'm Jewish, btw. May the conflict be resolved and peace prevail.
apologies for typos. one handed typing really sucks.
sounds like you're on the road to recovery ; and ditto your sentiment on the world's woes , as well as our own .
Kinda like "if mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy". This was always my mantra when raising the kids.
Oh, and I do hope you feel much better soon! :)
Forget the hand...(just kidding!) I love your airline philosophy! "Everything I need to know I learned on the airplane!" Besides all your reflection photographs, now you are into "new age" philosophy! You truly do delight--injured hand and all.
hope it feels better soon. maybe it meeds a nassage.
Another 55 year old Aquarian here to wish your hand a happy healing.
I hope your hand heals quickly. It is really scary to have something go wrong with a hand, or a wrist, especially for those of us who need both of them to earn a living.
Love your photos. Hope you hand gets better soon.
Hi Reya,
this is a 2nd from me.1st somehow obliterated.These things happen to me.
Hope your Jake becomes the sort of
all round favourite mine did.
A chocolate Lab with the sweetest
nature,and sense of humour.
Try some Arnica on the sore
handy wandy,I see you approve
alternate therapies.
This financial meltdown may not be
the end.Looks like it's going to
get us out of our motors and being
more pedestrian,so,ther may be hope.
Look forward to your take on the
big day.You may feel like sleeping
for a week post event.
Like the new gaffer.
Nice to have someone who can
Regards Kenny H
Hmmm... no idea how you strained it? Must have been while healing someone else. A skin infection? I've never heard of that. Take care of that hand and get better soon! I hope I stay off antibiotics for a while now.
Sending healing vibes. xxx
mrs. E - another fav airline jargon/life philosophy is about controlling your luggage.
oh yeah!
What a wonderful blog you have here . It's great to find someone my own age in the blogosphere! I was attracted by the name of your blog as I too have a gold puppy named Malcolm who is 14 months old ( I have another dog named Reggie but he isn't gold) and a couple of years ago lost my first gold puppy, Jesse, who died after 13 years of being my best bud and raising my children ( he did a great job ). I am partial to gold puppies.
Wonderful photos, terrific posts. I loved that you used that Theodore Roethke poem at Solstice.. I am a former dabbler in Wicca who has become cranky and cynical over the years but reading your posts makes me feel some of the joy of that time in my life. Heh-we'll be in DC for the festivities on the 20th - I will wave in your general direction ( if we can even get near the city).
Anyhow, Just wanted to say hi. You have brightened my morning.
I'm not sure how this blog software works yet. I saw your comment on my site and responded there. I don't know if it gets back to you when I do it that way so I came back to and left it here too. Any tips are welcome. Crone51 got to me through you. I just finished checking out her blog. It would be a great blog if you two could hook up at the Inaguration.
Response to comment: Mine is the 1st. Hmmm, SF? Tahoe? I live in Redding, CA about 3 1/2 hrs north of SF and an hour south of Mt. Shasts off I-5. I have been a bodyworker for 18 years. Nice to meet you too and I WILL follow your blog
like the photos,
You're right about that we should solve our own problems before we help others. I mean countries are falling apart, people are loosing their jobs, can't afford going to the doctor and such.. and still they tell us, "worry about the children in Afrika" , well hey I feel sorry for them, but it's not like I can do anything or send money if I don't have any?
A pain in the hand is a pain indeed, but try to look on the flip side.
Even in your 'insignificant' pain compared to the rest of the world, at least you are still conscious that there is so much more pain in the world that we should focus our energy on in treating.
I don't call your feelings selfish; I call that enlightenment.
I have had outstanding success with acupunture therapy...don't know how sticking in a whole lot of needles makes a body feel better...but holy cow it does!
I really like the street paing one. The yellow and white lines
There is something very ominous about the tree limbs in your photos.
Please keep Obama away from them, he is inheriting enough trouble.
Hope your poor hand is better soon!
Hope your hand is feeling better. I love your photos!
Great photos you have here in your blog.
Good luck on your birthday! My Mother shared that date, Feb, 13, and she passed last year at the age of 99! She certainly knew what to do as an old lady...she just kept getting older!!!
Being interviewed was fun for me too. I was lucky to be interviewed by Willow.
your blog was amazing about washington D.C.
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