Sitting around the dinner table last night, my roommates and I got the giggles. This is very unusual for us, not that we never laugh. Oh my we are all clever and hilarious. But we don't usually get so tickled as to become silly. Except last night we did. The rising energy of the inauguration is utterly ebullient. Is that the right word?
We were keeping one eye on the pizza, one eye on MSNBC, watching the presidential train arrive at Union Station, and the crowd outside the media booth on the mall. The urge to go to both locations, just to jump around like all the other people, was almost irresistible, in spite of the cold. Union Station is a twenty minute walk from the house on Tennessee Ave. The Capitol is more like a ten minute walk. Eventually common sense got the better of us. Instead of walking down to the mall, we jumped around here in the nice warm house.
Besides the inauguration itself, the one activity I will not miss is "Setting the Stage with Sage". A comic, a rabbi and a shaman are convening a group at Dupont Circle Monday night to burn sage with the intention of clearing the Bush legacy from the White House. What they may not know consciously is that Dupont Circle is the perfect location for this working, since it is one of the "feet" of the Masonic pyramid whose top is the White House. Instinctively they are aligning themselves with the masonic pattern of this city. Perfection!! I plan to arrive early, burn a lot of sage and dance around like a crazy person. I will be completely in my element. It starts at 6:00 p.m. C'mon down! For those who can't be there, be assured: there will be pictures.
Everything about this inauguration is absolutely perfect. No wonder I got the giggles last night. No wonder!

N. Carolina Ave. SE at Eighth Street, just east of Eastern Market.
great - i feel as though i am there with you; can feel the excitement building. Good idea to jump around in a warm house rather :-) very cool on the sage burning x
And the excitement mounts! Even here in New England, watching on the news, one can feel it. Enjoy!
Burning sage is a great idea, and in heavy doses ; )
Wish we could be there too, but will be in spirit.
Hopefully it will catch on around the world ; )
Everything seems to be coming into alignment, doesn't it?
I'm looking forward to your pictures, Reya!
More goose bumps! Burn some sage for me, too!
Reya, Oh how I wish I could be there. I have heard so many comments from people about their anticipation of Tuesday. How many people cried when Obama won, including myself. It was a return of hope, something that has been sadly lacking during the Bushys. I too like the idea of burning sage. It is important to clean the area from all the leftover bad energy. I will be there in spirit, dancing around with my soul delighting in all that is happening that day.
Then, it's roll up our sleeves and get to work to bring some stability back to our country. Love your photos, they are a record of this very important time. I don't know if I've ever anticipated an presidential inauguration as I have this one.
Thank you,
"Oh my we are all clever and hilarious" = good sampler motto.
I'm worshipping with the comic.
i got the giddies too!!!!! will be in your neighborhood tomorrow as I'm escorting a friend to a house she's staying at which is terribly close to your house. will give you a ring. I got 'my plan' and am on cloud 9 ...and 10....and 11
hope to see you around!
I'm so happy for you.
Dance for me too dear Reya
Dance for the midwesterners
Love and more love
Thanks for the saging clip. The timing is perfect for such an appropriate ritual. I will spread the word. We will take care of this part of the country and my friend Susan, a Shamanic practicioner, will take care of Mexico. Please, please, please give us pics!
Okay, okay...here is my joke. A priest, a rabbi, and a comic walk into DuPont Circle...well I haven't come up with the punch line yet but it will probably have something to do with the comic...Oh, I can't give it away.
thank you for the pictures and stories...being deep in the mid-west ...it is appreciated....
Tuesday I have to be at work.
I will turn on the TV in the library so my students can watch the inauguration.
Oh Reya! Thank you so much for sharing this day to day with us! I swear I feel the excitment through your words and photos! My Besties & I, would be right there with you & Roomies all giddy! Even my hard nose deeply Republic Bestie is excited (but also scared).
I am so grateful that you are blogging about this. like Val, i too feel I am there with you. Our spirits are there with you for sure! Take TONS of pictures! We can't wait!
I ADORE the word ebullient! And to be able to FEEL that way - so precious and rare.
You really did convey that feeling in your post, Reya. I feel quite goosepimply really. I am hugely looking forward to your "take" on the sage burning ceremony! (love the crazy Americans!!)
You are so right: Everything about the inauguration is perfect. The day after MLK day; the whistlestop tour that Lincoln did; and mostly the arrival of the man himself. I am happy for all of us, but so happy for all African-Americans that it brings me to tears even to think about it.
Tears, yes. It's moving. One of my clients told me today that the crowd at the concert stretched from the Lincoln Memorial to the Washington Monument. That's a lot of people.
And yeah Ronda, it does sound like a joke (rabbi, shaman and comic).
It's so rare to feel glamour here in DC, but this week, we are glamorous.
I love the burning sage idea. Perfect!
Great excitement is right, walking around today everyone on the street had caught the fever of the times!
I just watched the musical portions of the live concert for the dead at the Lincoln Memorial today.
Even if you don't have HBO, you can watch it online.
Amazing. DC is glamorous this weekend. Wow.
How much I appreciate your visuals and view of events happening there. I want to jump and dance with you. I recently burned sage in my house and kind of overdid it, really wanting to cleanse the atmosphere good. I was coughing from the smoke smell for a day or two after (LOL). I am planting myself in front of the TV on Tuesday and staying there all day, box of kleenex, shouts of hurrah, dancing, celebration and some Giddies too.
Joy - A little bit of sage goes a long way. I learned that the hard way, too.
It is an exciting time to be alive.
looking forward to the pictures that you'll post here....
How can I think of anything to say when those trees in that first photo has taken my breath away.
I love the way they fill the lanscape with their presence, reaching up towards the sky, sinking down into the ground and just being everywhere in the middle.
Sigh, I'm not even close to saying why this is one of my favorite photos ever.
Thanks for the blog. I am sending a link to my son and daughter in law who are in Sydney for them to get the real feel. Let us all burn sage and cleanse ourselves of the worrisome burden of the bush years. Once more we can be proud to hum "I'm proud to be an American ..." I love your wonderful photos.
Thanks, Hele! I love those trees and their huge mid-winter shadows. The pic was taken right at noon. With the sun so low in the sky, the shadows stretch out and get so huge.
Yes Merle, it is ... though isn't it a Chinese curse to wish to live in "interesting" times?
Can't wait to see your photos of the "saging of the White House"! Whatever works to get rid of the bad juju! I anxiously await...
how lucky we are that you and others have saged Bush away....
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