I hardly ever leave Washington DC. My secret theory is that this city, by virtue of its Masonic designers, is surrounded by some kind of magical force field. Any time I get into a train or car and get beyond the boundaries of the DC diamond, it's always such a surprise.
Outside of DC, my jaw relaxes, my adrenal glands calm down and I breathe just a little bit easier. Why this always comes as a surprise is a mystery to me. I can't explain it. All I can say is that getting out of town is always a Very Good Idea, even if it's a day trip, as was today's roadtrip to Annapolis.
I'm back in the thick of this powerful, wounded, beautiful city, but I feel renewed, reglued, refreshed. How soon will I forget the benefits of getting out of town? Almost immediately, most likely. Weird, isn't it?

Hi. I just added your blog, mainly because you're a girl in a city with her dog and her camera. And well, same here. I've read back a bit through your blog, and it's interesting. So... hi! Nice blog. And cute dog.
It is weird how life grabs a hold of us and let's go as we drive to the country and then back reality. Glad you got to take a day trip. Good for you.
Nice post :)
Reya - Love your pictures. I feel the same way about leaving town. When I get away, the part of me that fits inside the structure of my daily surroundings and routines breathes a sight of relief and unrolls its tongue, starts to babble on. I write more prolifically too. So yeah for getting away! How is your hand? Hope it's feeling better.
How far is Annapolis from DC?
I will try to remind you :-) how is the hand? xx
I would assume you'll need to hit the road again to recover from the Inaugural festivities.
yeah its sooooooooo good to get away from our everydays...and go along a different road and see different things..preferably wide open spaces...its sooooooo good! HOW IS YOUR HAND BY THE WAY??? xxx
Have a wonderful time. I suspect the city misses you while you are gone - which is why it weaves a magical net around you :)
I'm still in the city force-field. Have to break out soon. Just have to!!
lovely picture!!!
and yeah, cute dog : )
Hi Reya. I love the way you write, and your photos are awesome. Poetic.
Hmmmm .......... big cities are always scary .....
Thanks for asking about "it."n My hand is much better, though still puffy. I'm seeing my doc this morning. She goes by the book so I bet "it" will be x-rayed.
I'm not as mad at "it" as I was.
Ronda - Annapolis is close - about 45 minutes driving time unless there is traffic.
i love getting out of town on the weekends...I like in the city of providence, RI so my husband and I try to go skiing in VT on the weekends. Its a whole other world!! Nice post!
I lived inside the beltway to for 13 years. It is a strange enchantment and once you leave you wonder what is reality? Is it the farm or is it the city? I am constantly surprised by what my neighbors don't know and don't care about politically out in the country. I guess reality is only where you are in that moment...I miss Starbucks.
Hey girl,
Lots of people share your secret theory. I even saw something about it on TV not too long ago.
If you google "masonic symbols washington dc", all kinds of stuff will pop up.
BTW, how's "it"?...Your hand?
I like the idea of that "magical force field" -- so well put.
I always feel the same when I go into London. I am energized when I hit the city, and then my whole body relaxes when I get into the countryside.
I live in a bubble-like town too-- we forget there's life outside of it sometimes. I never realize how much stress I'm actually carrying in me until I get out of the bubble either.
I feel the same about NYC -- it's great to be here, but it's always so terrific to get a break!
Butternut - I was never so interested in American politics until I moved here. One of my many fantasies is a required national service during which people have to come live here for two years. They can do anything - work the for govt. or be barbers or mail delivery people or whatever, but just be here in the midst of the Masonic grid.
Hi Reya. I recently started following your blog & enjoy it - great pics. I've also had this experience, this feeling of a weight gone, breathing easier, when getting away from one place and being in another. But I don't think it has anything to do with the size of the city or place that you've left. I think it just has more to do with change - a different perspective. I love DC, but have only visited there a handful of times. At heart I'm a big city girl, but currently stuck on an island south of Detroit.
I love your photos in your Blog (:
Beautiful countryside. Reminds me of the area around Austin, TX. The "get out of town" syndrome seems to be going around. I can only imagine what it's going to be like in DC in a couple of weeks. Think you'd better get TWO cases of wine to tide you over!
I love following your blog and hope the hand gets better. I too have a camera & a dog (also a great husband) and we hang together taking photos.
What is your favorite camera? Mine is a Leica V-Lux (2 years old) & I'm loving it!!!
lovely photos and your last post on the presidency was awesome!!
Bisous, bluepoppy
Haven't been to DC in quite a few years but what a wonderful place. I would love to be able to live there...could live in the Smithsonian buildings until caught because I love them all. Still so inspiring, regardless of all the uninspiring stuff that goes on in the name of government..
Breaking the routine can be very stimulating, wherever you roam.
Hello I really like your blog, I would like a link exchange with you, I insert your blog to my favorite blogs ;)
So it's not just DC? Another one of my secret theories - down the drain!
You last pic could be Kansas, except for perhaps too many trees?! ha!
I like VW vans.
Hello. I too have just added your blog. I am enjoying your commentary on your "home" place and feeling the vibe way up here in Canada! Have fun.
Great photos and read!
i love london, but love getting out of town into the countryside too...
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