It's going to take me awhile to sort through all the comments on yesterday's post. I'll remember December 31, 2008 as my fifteen minutes of fame. Wow. I'm used to seeing a new commenter here and there on the blog, but 53 comments? I'm overwhelmed. It's a good overwhelm, should say. THANK YOU everyone who visited the Gold Puppy yesterday.
Out of the 53 comments I received yesterday, there was only one from a person who felt compelled to insult me (I didn't bother to publish that one) and some spam from Asian industrial companies. Most of the comments were generous and appreciative.
The holidays are over! As always I am relieved. Happy, too, to make myself at home in 2009. I love beginnings; January 1 is always one of my favorite days of the year.
Happy New Year to old blogfellows and brand new blogfellows. May 2009 be a year of great good health, good cheer and happiness. May it be so!
túrána hott kurdís by hasta la otra méxico! from Till Credner on Vimeo.
Credit & Copyright: Video: Till Credner, (The Sky in Motion.com)
Music: túrána hott kurdis by hasta la otra méxico!
Congratulations on being Blog of Note! After it happened to me, I had to go to comment approval.
Yep. All comments moderated until the furor dies down.
Happy New Year! Glad I stumbled upon your beautiful & inspiring blog. Keep up the good work (I'm sure it doesn't feel like work).
Bog of Note! Happy New Year, Reya.
Congratulations! Great photo - I like the color. Happy New Year.
Congratulations! I always thought you were a bit of a star. :)
Tut - That is not a typo. I feel bogged, in a happy way.
I wouldn't pay much attention to the individual(s) with far too much time on their hands to be posting abuive messages, they're not worth it.
Anywho, just another visitor via Blogs of Note, congrats. ;)
Oh my gosh! Congratulations!! It's about time your fabulous blog was appreciated! Be prepared for a storm of bloggy visitors. They are going to LOVE you!! :^)
Good Morning. You are a star! I'm here for the second day in a Row !
Have a great New year!
sounds like a bit of a mixed blessing but the recognition is good - well done you! i always thought yours was a blog of note xx
Congrats on being a blog of note! This video is AMAZING!!! Thanks for sharing!
The tone (blog-wide) of your photos is "find the most interesting thought available at the present moment and express it." I'm being really subjective, I know, but that comes through to me, and is refreshing. Keep up the good work. Your "mostly photos" preface, is however, belied by some pretty good writing.
what did i miss???? Blog of Note?? Where is that??? WELL DONE ANY WAY!!! and wishing you The Best 2009! heaps of love xxx janelle
Congratulations, especially on building some new links with kindred spirits over time.
The video reminds me of Marisa Monte's "Enquanto Isso",
"If we could only see fast enough
We could see everything
Dawns turnings nights..."
As if an ultimate understanding would be revealed,
"God bless us everyone"
- Tiny Tim.
Happy New Year!
Newly starting out blogger here. And came across you from guess.....yup exactly blogs of note.
Anyway just thought Id say hey! Blog looks awesome
Congratulations! It's a good way to start the year! (: And I love January 1 too ! ^^ Happy New Year dear !
A great blog like this really deserves many comments! =]
Congratulations for the blog and I hope you have a great 2009! Beginnings are really good...
Same goes to you Reya!!! Happy happy and a healthy new year for you and your loved ones!!!!
Thanks for that video. Seeing that, what a great way to start the day!!
Congratulations. :]
Thank you and congratulations! I'm a blogger newbie. Thought about it for a long time but wasn't sure what I would write about. Got a gentle nudge from a friend a few weeks ago and jumped in with both feet. The holidays gave me lots a writing material but I wondered what I would write about after they were over. Also wondered about how to decide what other blogs to follow.
When I saw you on 'Blog of Note' yesterday. I was inspired and enlightened. Thank you. I even figured out how to add you to my 'blogs I am following'. Did it wrong yesterday, got it right today. I wish you peace, love, joy and many blessings everyday!
Hello, I found you on Blogs of Note, and wanted to say you have some stunning photos! Did you take them?
You have a really cool blog here, hope you don't mind if I stop by again!
Happy New Year!
I don't know much about this Blog of Note thing but it seems to be a big deal, so congratulations! It certainly has upped your traffic - at least as evidenced by the comments (up to 61 on the previous post). And you certainly deserve the attention. I feel a bit like "I knew you when".
Love ya dahlink. xoxo
Well done on Blog of Note. Comment moderation sadly is needed - the price of 15 mins of fame I guess.
Happy New your too!
You've created a wonderful cyber garden. It's hard to be around the ever expanding ego of DC. You seem to know how to lift your eyes up. Congrats. I'll peek in again.
Peace in the New Year!
Thanks for sharing a unique view of a beautiful city. Makes me think about reflections in new ways.
Congatulations on being a blog of note...that's awesome!
Keep writing! :)
If you wanna check out my blog, feel free anytime, it's:
Hi Reya, wonderful posts!!!
Your blog really captivated me. Im hooked.
Keep the creative juices flowing. My thirst for beauty is quenched when I see your posts.
Searching Soul
Hello, I just found your blog through blogs of note. I love your photos. I look forward to coming back and checking out more of your blog.
Hi, great blog and beautiful pics.
i am new to the blogging thing. Check my blog www.openwithursmile.blogspot.com/
and leave your valuable comments. If you like it, add my blog site Url....
Amazing video, w/perfect music to it! I just stumbled on your site!..Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, Reya. Congrats on the Blog of Note.
A very inspiring blog of note..
Congrats. A great newyear for you. May your blog shine all the way for coming years
You seem to be too famous 4 me ; (
congrats but does your title on this post say bog of note? you might want to edit that then again maybe you dont it makes people laugh!! how did you become a blog of note, i do hope i am up there one day!!! happy new year
%*_*% rosey
Congratulations on being chosen Blog of Note. Your photographs are beautiful. I love the way you capture a reflection or shadow in each one. Very nice. I'm resolving to look at the world with different eyes this year. Thanks for the inspiration.
Congratulations Reya on being chosen as a blogger of note. Good for you!
Loved the Sky in Motion video! Absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing it.
congrats on the extra publicity... good looking blog
Love your photos, especially this car shot and the one of the building in the puddle. Can't wait to hear how the smithsonian event went.
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