Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I remember when screw tops for wine bottles were introduced. I thought I would hate them, but the truth is, I now find corks to be a pain in the butt. Similarly I turned my nose up at the Kindle, but now that I'm reading books on the iphone, I'm seeing an ipad in my future if, for no other reason, than it would be a nice way to read books.

All my pre-conceived ideas about what it's going to be like to work from the studio here at the chateau are seeming a bit insubstantial as I reflect on all the things I was so sure of (how I would hate screw tops, for instance). It's possible I will not enjoy it, but there are other possibilities as well. Who knows?

It's the unknown that worries me, it's the unseen that haunts me. I guess that means I'm a control freak like so many people. I want a grasp on the whole picture before I engage. That is not possible, hence the anxiety. Silly silly me.


jeanette from everton terrace said...

I so know this feeling. I like to see a whole picture before I start. A friend once dragged me (serious dragging) to a scrapbook party thing. I sat there most of the night thinking and 2 hours later had nothing. Everyone else put together pages of stuff. I couldn't even do one page until I figured out how I wanted the whole album to look.

Mary said...

Silly, silly you.....nice to see things haven't changed - including your insight, wit and photography.

The Bug said...

Love the new header - it's great!

I am a person who can't visualize what something will be like - I live in a perpetual state of "here we go into the unknown!" For example, I'm going home from the hospital today & I have no idea what being in my house with a walker will look like. Mike, on the other hand, sees all too clearly & has been reorganizing things so it's easier for me.

ellen abbott said...

whenever I get anxious about the future (and for me it usually revolves around income or the lack of it) I remind myself to just focus on today. Get through today and when tomorrow comes, just get through tomorrow. Because we really don't know what the future holds and because at any moment, it might be your time to leave this plane of physical existence. So I try not to think about the future so much and just stay focused on my life at this moment. Unless this moment is no fun, then I tell myself that it's only temporary. Things will change.

Angela said...

I am quite like Bug. Can`t imagine how things will be tomorrow, so why plan? It drives my husband crazy, he is just the opposite. But I KNOW that secretly he enjoys my craziness. How boring would his life be if his plans weren`t constantly shattered by me?

Reya Mellicker said...

Ellen this is my strategy these days, one day at a time. I've had better summers.

Jo said...

Que serĂ¡ serĂ¡. Sending you so much love today, dear one. ♥

Rebecca Clayton said...

Reya, you've made so many forays into the Unknown in your life--compared to most people, you're an intrepid explorer. Lots of people stick close to familiar things their whole lives, unless circumstances force them out. You try all sorts of things, and if it doesn't work out, you try something else. Very brave!

Reya Mellicker said...

Brave or ... ??

Thanks for the vote of confidence, Rebecca!