Monday, November 22, 2010

More a postscript than a post

Yesterday's post was so big, I thought it would take awhile before I could think of anything else to write about. Ha ha. When does THAT ever happen? I thought maybe I should wait before posting again, to give yesterday's thoughts some space, also as a way of acknowledging that timing is everything. But I have all these cool pictures hanging around, all of which are just dying to be showcased here. At least that's my excuse for today's ramblings. Here goes:

The only way to know when to release old karmic attachments, break oaths that no longer serve any purpose, or tell a secret whose time has arrived, is by cultivating intuition. There's not a book anywhere that can explain how to determine the timing of these things. No one has a secret formula for figuring it out. Your friends can't tell you, there's no therapist, doctor, teacher or newspaper columnist who can help. Even the Dalai Lama doesn't know. Only your soul knows when the time is ripe.

The practice of listening to intuition is an art, not a science. It can't be quantified or even understood. But ignoring your intuition (as we are accustomed to doing in my society) is so sad. Intuition is a human birthright, a beacon, a guide that can help steer us as we wander the meandering path of life.

One of the things the Sufi acupuncturist often says is: Speak from your heart! What is your heart trying to tell you right now? Are you listening? Well? Are you?


ellen abbott said...

I try to pay attention. There have been times in my life when I ignored what my intuition was telling me about certain people because I wanted to believe their words instead. didn't work out so good for me.

Reya Mellicker said...

It never does. But you're a GREAT listener, Ellen. You can see how good you are by looking at what you make, your art.

Cyndy said...

You are so right about intuition. Every single time I've ignored my intuition I've regretted it later.

jeanette from everton terrace said...

Well I can see that my practice of not reading blogs on the weekend has caused me to miss something important. Will go now and read yesterday's post. I like what ellen said about believing people's words instead of what her heart was telling her. My daughter does this, she's a young 24 so she'll get it eventually I'm sure.

Joy and Phil said...

About 18 years ago, I struggled with my intuitin and chose to not listen. My lack of action nearly destroyed my family and one granddaughter still suffers to this day.
After the nightmare was over I vowed to NEVER again ignore what my heart was saying and so far, it has paid off.
Love your photos Reya. You are truly an artist.

steven said...

reya i'm so grateful for intuition and insight. the most direct pipeline i have is about my body and its needs and upcoming problems. the map of that has been mine since i was in my teens. truly.
everything else about my existence on this earth has been a dance between insight and wish. insight is accumulating more weight as i step away from what i used to know as my needs. steven

Angela said...

My heart says, Reya`s heart is my sister.
Are hearts female? Do they feel related? Yes.

Reya Mellicker said...

I don't feel that hearts are gendered, but I know a sister when I feel it. You, Angela, are one of my sister, most definitely!!

hele said...

my heart is telling me to be gentle

Reya Mellicker said...

Always great advice, Hele!