Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Shipped Out

I am so happy Memorial Day weekend is over! Whew!! Holiday weekends are always marathons for me workwise (everyone else is on vacation, so it's easy for them to come in for a massage). I book myself solid at times like this, because one must make hay while the sun shines. But it's inevitable that I'll feel like a salmon swimming upstream. Everyone else is relaxing; I'm working hard. This particular Memorial Day was especially strenuous because of my shamanic/psychic/psychotic (which?) involvement with the dead soldiers.

Dream: I am playing poker and smoking cigarettes with blog friends, all men. We're yucking it up, doing shots of some kind of liquor. The whole scene is hazy with smoke. We're all greasy and sweaty. At one point, one of my very favorite friends pulls up his pant leg and shows me that he has a crutch instead of a leg from the knee down. He laughs, says, "I'm so good, no one even knows." He shoves the crutch back into his ass kicking boots and continues playing. Another friend is talking about how, when the pain got too bad, he did a morphine overdose. "It was all over, just like that!" He snaps his fingers and chuckles.

The next thing I knew, I was sitting up straight in my bed, wide awake. I've never smoked cigarettes in my life, that was the first thing that struck me. Two seconds later I said out loud, forcefully: "DUDES! Get out of here! Go down to the memorials! I mean it." Right at that moment, really - just after I said that - there was one loud boom of thunder (I was unaware of the lightning). I know that part was real because Jake jumped off his chair and went to hide in the bathroom. After that, I felt that whatever was unfolding had ended. I had no trouble falling asleep.

I'm always the first to admit that I might have a few screws loose. Shamans are not known, historically, for their balanced personalities. Or maybe those dead soldiers really did come to visit me in my dreams, dressed up to look like men I love dearly in "real" life, to make themselves especially appealing. Or, maybe not. But what about that clap of thunder? You can't plan for that kind of timing. Either way, as I like to say, my life is SO interesting.

Hail and farewell dear ones. Sweet dreams to all.


Natalie said...

You are just cool, Reya.xx♥

Reya Mellicker said...

Cool or crazy - who knows which?

Joanne said...

I second Ellen Abbott - Wow! I'd have jumped right along with Jake with the thunder!

Elizabeth said...

What I like about your blog is that you are so
honest and out there with all that goes on.
If you are a nut, you are a good positive nut --no harm in that
all the best people are
How dull it would be if we were all repressed as hell
and never said ANYTHING
honest or otherwise

Cheryl Cato said...

Yes, WOW! What a dream! Maybe today you can relax after the whirlwind working weekend!
It's nice to be back home & reading your blog again. One more little day trip tomorrow & then maybe I can go through photos & write a blog or two.

JC said...

Hey, I record 'Medium' and 'Ghost Whisperer' so .. I do believe that their is 'something' going on ..

Hope you get some sleep tonight

Reya Mellicker said...

I might be more secretive if what I did was harmful, but it isn't. If it's "just" my imagination, so what?

Believe me when this stuff started happening I checked in with a professional psychotherapist.

1. No I am never tempted to do anything hurtful or violent - just the opposite actually.

2. No, the spirit guides, ghosts, etc. may not tell me what to do.

3. Yes I can distinguish between my shamanic episodes and "real" life.

4. Yes, I have a fine sense of humor about the whole thing.

As long as all of the above remains in place, according to Dr. Ravitz I'm good to go.

mum said...

I read it as a positive callback to the land of the living. As in: once the rituals of mourning have done their work, the best way to honor the dead is be as fully with the living as possible.

Anonymous said...

That's really something. And the thunder? No coincidence me thinks!

Stella Jones said...

So how long have you been a shaman then, Reya?
Blessings, Star

tut-tut said...

Interesting they took the form of real blog friends.

Nancy said...

That was really strange. Especially the morphine drip - I have no doubt soldiers may have done exactly that.

Ronda Laveen said...

Hmmm, so much here. Let's see. Well my wagon is draggin' too due to holiday influx of those with "normal" schedules and, often, paid holidays (sigh).

Shamanic/psychic/psycohtic? I'm thinking, shamanic/ psychic/ dimensional. These are 4th dimensional souls (at least) that are stuck in the 3rd dimension. It is time for them to be unstuck. This is a long time to be lost. Because of your trainings, you can see and hear them. They need to know where to go beyond you and the memorials. Rest up. You have more work to do.

Reya Mellicker said...

Star I have officially been a shaman for about twenty years but I've always had the knack.

Tut I think they took the form of my blog friends because they knew that would be especially compelling to me. And it was!

Ronda I'll email you about all the work I've done with dead soldiers. Maybe you can give me some feedback that will help. Thanks in advance, sister.

Steve Reed said...

Wow! That's pretty intense! Was I in on your poker game? I'm a very unlikely soldier, at least in the conventional sense. :)

Reya Mellicker said...

Steve, how did you know? Yes, you and Hammer (he had the peg leg) and Phil of Playaz Ball (never met him in person). Phil was the one who overdosed on morphine. There were others, too.

You and I smoking cigarettes and playing poker?? Not even in our dreams!

Tess Kincaid said...

Wow, what a dream! Memorial Day overload! I will have to say that after all the TCM movies over the weekend, I do know the difference between the tigers and the Shermans.

Tess Kincaid said...

Not to be confused with your shamans, of course. ;^)

Reya Mellicker said...

Willow - lol!

Dani said...

Reya- amazing! What kind of work with the dead soldiers are you referring to? You have captured my attention!! I would love details!

Tom said...

your Memorial day posts are great; glad i got around to them...been very busy with a puppy this weekend so not much time for blogging...send us happy housebreaking wishes...oog. Also, if you are a nut, as Elizabeth speculates : wallnut, cashew or pecan?

Rosaria Williams said...

Shaman? Now I know.

Reya Mellicker said...

See what I mean, Rosaria? Your comments are perfection.

Dani maybe I'll write again about my battlefield shamanics - I've posted about it before but that was years ago. Maybe I could do a better job this time. Thanks for being interested.

Tom can I be a sunflower seed? Is that a nut? Or a hazelnut, which is what the salmon of wisdom ate in those bizarre Welsh myths.

Siobhán said...

Just catching up on your last few posts Reya. Thanks.

And everytime I see your photo I wonder is now a good time for me to go grey?

Merle Sneed said...

Good luck with that buddy. I wish you peace as always.

Delwyn said...

Hi Reya,

Just to add wood to the fire...
your dream components/characters are also parts of yourself...

Happy interpretations...

Janelle said...

dreams are where you are reached. always. love you reya. xxx j

SG said...

Dreams!! The subject fascinates me... do you ever wonder about a sane interpretation of crazy dreams?

steven said...

hey reya - have you considered that dreamtime may not follow the same organization as time in the waking world? that while the narrative is organized in beginning-to-end format, the contents - the symbolic contents - are actually woven together: braided. perhaps your dream unfolded from the thunder clap. then what?!!!!
keep on dreaming!!!!

Barry said...

Well they went out with a bang.

You have such exciting dreams. If I had dreams like that it would scare the clap out of me.

Reya Mellicker said...

Phoenix? All the time.

Steven - Wow YES I do think about things like that, I do. I also believe that dreaming is not the same thing as sleeping, though you have to go to sleep to get to that mode of consciousness.

Didn't have any dreams I can remember from last night. It's a blessing!

Deborah said...

I've had this experience too

Someday we'll talk about it

This is quite beautiful Reya and my love and thanks for it.

Rebecca Clayton said...

I love that you addressed them as "Dudes!" No wonder they stopped by for a visit--you are too much fun!

Gary said...

Isn't it wonderful to remember that you have the power to tell these dudes to quit it? Realizing that you are in control must make these situations even more amazing because you don't have to freak out about any bad stuff.

I wonder if my niece Sammy has any stories like this. I really want you two to meet one of these days.