I'm sick of the presidential campaign. I wish we were voting today. It's still three weeks off, three more weeks in which to worry and thrash and pray and get angry, feel ashamed of the stupidity of some Americans.
What's got me so worked up this morning is the behavior of John McCain, egging on the bigoted nut cases who come to his rallies, juicing up prejudice and fear. Many of those nut cases have guns. Many are very angry, full of rage. Does McCain really hope one of them will try to kill Obama? McCain's behavior is despicable.
Watching the vids of people coming away from McCain rallies, mumbling things like "Obama is a muslim," "He's a terrorist," and other insanities is deeply upsetting, painful. They are the ugliest of ugly Americans. I am ashamed to share a country with them. If I were muslim, I would be especially offended.
I've read Howard Zinn's A People's History of the U.S. I understand that slavery seemed like a good idea in the beginning, when Europeans were literally starving to death over the harsh winters on the east coast of what is now the U.S. The damage that resulted from that choice - to keep slaves - even though it was a decision made in desperation, can't be measured. The wounds left by our heritage of slavery still run so deep.
That a presidential candidate, a person who is seen by some as an authority figure, would consciously pour salt into these wounds, purposely stoke up racism and fear at this historically precipitous time, is truly unforgivable.
John McCain? How do you face yourself in the mirror every morning? Shame on you!

BluePoppy has a YouTube vid posted on her blog that you might want to (or not!) watch. Truly scary the ignorance that some of the country has.
What kills me too is McCain's Stepford wife Cyndy out there accusing Obama of running "the dirtiest campaign ever."
I hope Obama has good protection because I fear for him, even after he is elected. McCain is stirring a very dangerous pot. If anything were to happen to Obama, McCain would be an accessory in my book!
Footage of McCain eating crow.
To his credit, McCain did stop that lunatic woman who was holding the microphone and telling him that Obama was an Arab...of course, it also reveals the deep-seated racism against Arab-Americans in his base. And there's nothing left but his base.
I keep meaning to ask you if you read any of Eric Francis' writing? I subscribe to Planet Waves weekly - really insightful takes on what's happening on your side of the pond, always with an astrological lens. SO interesting this week on McCain: "The compassionate therapist in me sees a survivor of complex trauma desperately trying to hold onto some way of making sense of his experience and to therefore heal. I even think he may be recreating the trauma of a Vietnam soldier not being supported by his country by running for the highest elected position of the country just to be 'rejected'. It seems to me there is a part of him that wishes to be rejected (again). He also seems to be quite dissociative -- like a caricature of himself." Well lets hope so.
If you'd like me to fwd you the article, send me an email to sekapublishing@gmail.com
oh and the planetwaves url is http://planetwaves.net/pagetwo/
i broke with any respect for McCain I'd had when he chose Palin--
Country Last
To potentially saddle this country with someone so singularly unqualified to be a heartbeat from the presidency is unconscionable --this latest stuff is almost unbearable for a man who would be leader.
I hope it is a landslide against him.
Beautifully written and photos are wonderful -- LOVE and more LOVE
I share your outrage over this. My friend Mark just said that his campaign rallies are going to become KKK rallies from now on. Interesting to see the kind of supporters McCain has at this point - the ugly and scary Americans. Can civilization as we know it (or knew it) be a thing of the past forever?
Tam thank you! wow ... McCain is a mess, and acting out his neurosis right, left and center! It makes perfect sense.
Hey Gary!! Happy Saturday. It's definitely a turning point right now, isn't it? Who knows what's happening, what's about to happen?
Very cool that I get to vote for Obama on your birthday! Oh yeah!!
John is getting more desperate. He has no where to go. Doesn't excuse personal attacks, though. Thanks for sharing his defense of Obama footage, too.
This is all about desperation, and I don't think he's winning anyone over with these tactics. The more extreme his campaign gets, the more he turns off the middle -- and he NEEDS the middle.
You are right on point. McCain lost any credibility, in my eyes, when he selected Palin as his running mate. I am going to cast my ballot for Obama as soon as they open the early voting in my city..I just can't wait to see this party of hate go down to defeat!!
McCain.McInsane. and i used to say the very same thing to my ex, how DO you look at yourself in the mirror every morning? crazies. you make some very good points reya.
xx lori
If we had the election now, Obama would probably win. If we wait until November, he stands an even better chance at the rate McCain is going. His true colors are really beginning to show.
I watched McCain attempt to "tamp down" the rage, as a reporter described it, by saying the Obama was a decent human being and family man. However, who stirred up all this hate in the first place??? McCain and Pallin, of course, with their accusations of "paling around with terrorists". And they are surprised at the result? Give me a break. Okay....gotta go calm down....
It is my opinion that the woman who stood up and made that comment about Obama's being an Arab was a plant; we never got to see her face (at least the footage I saw didn't reveal it). And it was the most mealy mouthed response on the part of McCain. She was there simply to connect the name Obama with the word Arab.
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