Sometimes I feel so old. I am getting up there, so I guess I'm entitled to the creaky knees, etc. Part of feeling old is a particular middle aged incredulity about the way people conduct themselves. I know, from having been around the block a few dozen times, that people don't have to be so inconsiderate.
I'm thinking about kooks like Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly (American radio talk show "personalities" for those who don't know) who use their on-air time to lie about anything they want to. Why is that OK? Why are they paid millions of dollars to do so? Naturally the Republican candidates for president and especially vice president come to mind. Why is it OK to commit libel during a presidential campaign? I don't get it.
Earlier in the week I drove an hour to sit with a Tibetan Buddhist who is allegedly a great teacher. Tara Brach (who is a great meditation teacher) said, before he began speaking, that her work with him had had a profound effect on her spiritual path. But all I saw was an egomaniac telling rambling stories about his own life that he obviously felt were tremendously amusing. We in the audience were trying to be good sports, but it was hot in there, and his stories were truly boring. At times he had to say "joke" so that we understood we were supposed to laugh. Worst of all, I didn't learn a thing from him. The title of his talk was "The Great Perfection." Huh?
Maybe this has nothing to do with getting older. Maybe I just had a lackluster week of encounters with people I believe should open their eyes and look at themselves in the mirror. I'm certainly not 'the great perfection' either, for heaven's sake! Perhaps it was just an overload of inconsideration that got me so cranky.
Whatever the reason, I'm happy this week is over. Onwards and upwards to the weekend!
*Thanks, Elvis Costello, for that line, "I used to be disgusted, now I try to be amused ..." I'll keep trying!

Dear Reya,
There must be something in the air. This "funk" has pervaded almost everyperson I know. yes! on to the weekend and i hope its a lovely one for you! I Love the photo.
Inconsiderate people are everywhere and they can be Republicans, Democrats, Buddhists, whatever. I am less and less tolerant (or I notice it more)of inconsideration as I get older, but I suspect that when I get cranky from other people's rudeness I become less considerate myself. Then the only thing that can make me feel better is to try to become a good example of considerate behavior. It ain't easy sometimes. I am also having a cranky week this week.
I was thinking the same thing this week about how odd it is that libel is tolerating in a campaign. The Great Perfection?! I don't think I could have made it all the way through.
And I, too, am feeling incredibly cranky today. Maybe it's in the stars?
yup been a cranky week this side too - must be in the stars. Not without due cause though - where is the altruism in modern leadership? how can libel be permitted in the leadership race?? maybe we should take over - certainly not the Great Perfection man - not a very humble title for his speech anyway :-)
Reya, if a politician's lips are moving they are lying. Of course, they don't see it as lying and if they are on our side, we don't see it either.
Creaky? My knees are a bit. Cranky?? yep. And it's more than libel that's happening out there. What about inciting a crowd to potential violence? Isn't that a crime??
Nice photos. What colors do you like?
The likes of Mr. Limbaugh and Mr. O'Reilly always put me further in a funk. When I check their blogs and broadcasts, I always ask myself why, if only to see what the opposition is saying. I always hope that there might be some inkling of reason in there, some indication of humanity. I'm sure it does exist somewhere within them, but I've yet to see anything but righteous insanity.
All the more reason to look at leaves and beautiful reflections.
i was just speaking with an artist friend of mine...whose work could easily be called "disturbing"....he said that often folks come to visit his house and are sometimes just mute...he says when that happens..he thinks that they are afraid of seeing something of themselves in his work...it reminded me of you and how open you are about looking within yourself..and how much i appreciate that you share your findings...even when they are not allll sunshiny...
so...that was a loooong way of saying ..thanks...
Glad it isn't just me this week.
You know Merle, you're quite right that when it's someone I support, I don't try to figure out if it's a fabrication or not. At least the people I'm voting for aren't hateful, though. (Imagine my ridiculous pout.)
"Righteous insanity"?? Oh Ladron, that's perfect!
Tut I love all colors, don't have a favorite; or I should say it depends on the day. I'm not a big fan of black clothing which means I often look like a clown. How could I ever live in NYC.
I feel cheered up, just reading the comments. Thanks, ya'll.
am currently at my folks house - unfortunately my dad is a regular listener to those numskulls (rush and o'reilly) - which means if they are on, I am out (of the room)....
I am strengthened by all the obama signs around northern virginia (although there still are mccain signs, but not as many as I expected) ....how many more days.
oh in terms of political ads on t.v. I thought ohio was bad, but I this this area has us beat....
The Onion this week reports that Obama has purchased advertising on the sides of the "Joe the Plumber" McCain campaign busses.
This is faith-based speech, ie, if I say something with enough emotion it must be true - Lewis Carroll said, (in a twisted version of "take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves") "Take care of the sounds and the sense will take care of itself". I think it's also the emphasis placed on winning over fairness that is a part of the bloviational speakers' makeup. Also, it was ever so, underneath is fear. If there is no change - if things are simply stopped where they, or made like they used to be - then I won't have to die (see Ernest Becker's The Denial of Death).
i'm also pleased last week is over! it was making me feel old too. i know hat you mean about the 'guru' guy. sometimes it seems so transparent hey?
rest up love
being amused rather than disgusted is generally better for us, takes less energy - but not always easy
hope you and jake have a great weekend full of amusements
I`m on lettuce`s side - I shake my head and smile at stupidity. I know I wish it wouldn`t have effects on others, but when I read all our blog friends and all these sane and intelligent commentators I still think the world is not lost. We (the sane and intelligent and humble and responsible people, I`m saying that without conceit)should perhaps just speak UP more and not leave the field to the loud and stupid ones!!
Much as I love the Buddhist philosophy, I too went to a talk of a "we are very priveleged to have" Buddhist "high up in the heirarchy monk" from overseas. We waited for what seemed like an eternity for him to arrive, and the interpreted talk was constantly interspersed by his loud hawking and coughing and clearing his throat...and I mean loud - nearly blew the microphone away every couple of minutes.Everyone was so quiet and devoted but I'm afraid I couldn't be so noble.Just kept thinking "Oh Yuk".Low on the ladder on enlightenment,me.
I'm right there with you, Pam.
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