Based on the continuing bad news about the financial crisis, my prediction is that it's going to be a scary Halloween. That's OK by me - a good scare once in awhile can be invigorating. Lord knows we Americans have become so numb, we probably need a good scare to get ourselves mobilized.
Maybe it's the smell of fear in the air that has the Dead stirring more perceptibly than usual. They're always active around Halloween, but this year they are especially palpable. Ghosts love it when we get a cold chill up the back of the neck; I think it's mostly harmless, but they do enjoy creeping us out. Since we're already creeped out about banks and money and the stock market, maybe they've decided to get into Halloween mode a bit early this year. Why shouldn't they have a little fun?
As for the non-humans among the citizens of the living world, they seem completely oblivious to the financial crisis. Do you think the squirrels care about the ever sinking stock market? They could give a rat's ass. They know winter is coming so they're doing their squirrely thing, you know, scampering, grabbing big acorns, building their nests, chasing each other around in circles.
The mockingbirds and cardinals that live in the trees on Tennessee Avenue are singing their beautiful songs, the crows are cawing and scolding. Dogs are sniffing and peeing as they're taken on their daily walks, then curling up for long naps in the afternoon as if nothing was wrong. The trees are pulling in the chlorophyll from their leaves, and concentrating all their energy into seeds and berries. The trees are looking ahead to next year, undaunted by the headlines.
Maybe the animals and plants know something we should pay attention to. Maybe nothing is wrong, maybe this is one of those turning points during which everything feels more dire than it has to. Things will change, things are changing - at a fundamental level - and yes, Americans are going to have to rise to meet the challenge. But perhaps it's all for the best. Maybe the time has come when we will finally really get it - that the way we've been living here at the top of the food chain, at the expense of the rest of the planet, really and truly is NOT sustainable. Duh!!
I'm dancing in alignment with the squirrels today. I'm going to cook something good, clean my "nest", take a nice long walk in the gold light, and keep breathing. I might even smile today, have some fun. Life unfolds to the better way. That's my story, and I'm sticking with it.

Yes follow the squirrels Reya - we have so much to learn from the natural world; its like a book of metaphors to unravel.
ghosts are around then? hmm. I sometimes get a feeling like goosebumps and the hairs on my arms stand on end - usually when i have done or said something 'right' or that seems to come from somewhere else through me. love that - its an affirmation i suppose. am a bit scared of ghosts though....
hang in Reya - stock the cupboards with nuts, and wait for spring to come around again. Meantime keep smiling xx
Thank you, Val. I will!
Ghosts used to scare me, but not anymore. They don't have any special powers and in fact they aren't any smarter than living people (who can be very scary). They're just confused, a little bit lost maybe, or trying to straighten out something left undone while they were alive.
I will admit that they aren't pretty. Oh well.
Great photographs; I feel cleansed just looking at the bottom one.
And ghosts? We lived with one . . . a tale for another day.
Yes, I agree! Enjoy the golden light while we still have it. We have no control over what the rest of the world is doing, what will be will be, but we can control what we do.
My parents keep appearing in my dreams lately. I wonder why? Almost every night they are there. I haven't dreamt about my father in many years and now instead of just dreaming about one or the other, they are both there. Together.
I love to watch the squirrels prepare for winter, and now I have Chuck to watch too. He is already as fat as a hog yet every morning he's out foraging for more.
I will walk with you tody ..the light is golden and bright too today and I know it won't last too long. There is an 88 year old lady i visit who believes strongly that ghosts that haven't moved on cluster around people with heightened senses and thoses who look out for them She said a freind of hers walked through a bomb site after the blitz in London in World War 2 and bought home so many that she had to call on her guru. (They belong to an ancient Hindu sect ) It wasn't scary as much as too much sadness for her to handle alone.
Your photos..your photos ..your photos!!
T xx
Reya, that bottom photo is particularly beautiful.
As I walk the dogs through the graveyard in the morning (and boy are the ghosts active there nowadays!), I think about how the beauty of the sun and the clouds and the air and the things growing in the earth will continue to grace our days whether our economy is good, bad, or middling.
And I do think that a tanking world economy presents an excellent opportunity to learn valuable lessons and to get our priorities straight, but my cynical side doubts the willingness of most of us humans to see it that way.
What did that guy say one time..."Consider the lilies of the field" or something like that. And look where that got him.
I think I shall "dance in alignment with the squirrel's today" too. (I love that line - so poetic and meaningful). Fantastic post (words) and gorgeous photos. If there were blogger awards for "best post" I would nominate this one for sure.
I have the day off today, which meant sleeping late and taking care of myself in ways that I usually ignore.
Happy Yom Kippur (for any and all who celebrate it).
Wonderful. You articulate and order things I've been thinking about...Among them the phrase "reality on the ground" as in your photo. and I think at some point the repeated shocks may lead to an awake state as opposed to fear...a changed economy would provide so many opportunities for Tikkun Olam or as the I Ching has it "Work on what has been spoiled" as regards the environment.
yes reya, anytime i feel confused or scared i go into nature. it never fails to calm and restore. i think the world is on the right path, i mean, to me i try to do my part,just like you described your morning. it starts with me(or you),right? be the change. otherwise, it's all just too scary...
I like your story. :^)
I'm not afraid of ghosts anymore, either, since I'm used to living with them.
Willow I was thinking about you this morning - wondering if Willow Manor had ghosts.
If I were a ghost, I would be honored to "live" there.
I can't have pumpkins on the porch anymore, cut or whole. The first morning I went out and saw a rat eating one, that was it. Welcome to the city.
I saw a white squirrel a week ago. I hope it's lucky, like the white buffalo.
Cube my fingers are crossed.
the animals know it's all temporary, all moment to moment.
Let's hope we can allow the animals and the rest of nature to carry on business as usual. This is a man-made problem and hopefully humans will also be able to solve it!
Maybe a white squirrel is a good omen!
did you know october is squirrel awareness month!
resource-wise I'm with those squirrels although do feel for the humans with real estate, investments, etc.
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