Though I did watch Keith Olbermann, I took the advice of many people whose opinions I respect and avoided all the other talking heads last night. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.
The Washington Post (finally) endorsed Obama. I think Joe the Plumber (who isn't named Joe and isn't a plumber and doesn't make the money he said he did and doesn't even pay his taxes) might have, once and for all, convinced the editors at the Post that it was time to take a stand. "Joe the Plumber" is the perfect trickster archetype. Wow.
I'm still not sure what will happen November 4th. Plenty of Americans think differently than I do. We'll see.
In the meantime, it's heartening to see the Post support Obama. Read it and weep, John.
Reya, early voting has started here, and the lines have been enormous. And I don't believe it's McC they're turning out for!
Joe the Plumber backfired on McCain and gave everyone sitting on the fence yet another example of his rash behavior. This November should be epic.
We shall try to remain gracious in victory.
I am assuming Obama will win at this point, but should I be counting on it? We leave in an uncertain world (seemingly limned in the previous post with the wavering liquescent reflection).It's encouraging to look at 538.com.
Reya - I posted the leaf on my blog with a link back to your leaves of 2 posts ago, http://artsparktheatre.blogspot.com/
I hope this turns out to be a landslide. But I do worry about what people SAY they're going to do vs. what they will ACTUALLY do in the booth.
I know, I hope so, too, but I have to agree with Steve.
Love your collage of pix!
Cuff? I hope you're right.
great title reya. heres hoping
and wishing
and praying
The Chicago Tribune also published an endorsement - first time that paper has ever supported a Democrat. Also the Chicago Sun-Times, the L.A. Times, and numerous other papers. Exciting!
let us hope that obama's hometown paper would endorse him....as lettuce said, here's to hoping and wishing and praying....and becoming an obamanation after 8 years of having an abomination in the white house!!
a landslide would be nice....but I will take whatever we can get as long as we win!
7-11 poll has for 2000 & 2004 election cycles issued blue & red cups (emblazoned with names of the respective candidates) at the request of 20 oz. hot drink purchasers...58% of cups sold are blue, 42% of cups are red this time around.
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