Monday, September 29, 2008

L'shana tova, ya'll


the birthday of adam

the innocent earthling
and the day hagar and ishmael

found water in the desert
in memory of whom

mud staining our shoes

water flowing in handfuls
we sniff the smell of living dying things
reach into our pockets

for the bread that represents our sins, toss it in, praying release 
us, help us,
forgive us

the river answers

by swallowing our crumbs
do our prayers travel upward

do they defy gravity

like rain splashed on the windshield

of a car speeding through storm
in ten days we will go hungrier

pray harder

---Alicia Ostriker


Barbara said...

This is my favorite part of the Jewish year. It feels so cleansing to unload a year of sins and have a chance to start all over again with a clean slate.

Shana tova!

Apples and honey sound like a good cure for what ails you.

Chimera said...

Happy New Year to you!! I am sorry to hear about the cold and the sore foot. I hope you carry on feeling better and stronger. L'shona tova! I am hopeful for a turning of the tide and a bit more peace, love and wisdom this year!
T x
Ahh your photos!

Deborah said...

and to you darling Reya
may all your illness and pains
abate during these Days of Awe
and may you be sealed in the Book of Life for a great 5769

all my love,

Anonymous said...
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Steve Reed said...

Happy New Year, Reya!

dennis said...

Dennis loves you--hapy new year!

Lori ann said...

Happy New Year, Reya! I hope you are feeling better!

xx lori

Angela said...

Happy New Year Reya, and ENJOY your new book!!!! Tell me what you think!