Friday, September 5, 2008

Here Comes Hanna!

Up to a certain magnitude, storms are just storms. Certain storms that form over the ocean are called tropical depressions, an interesting concept if you take it out of context.

But once a storm gets big and bad, it gets its own name. Meteorologists tend to say the names are given for convenience; transmitting information using only the latitude/longitude is cumbersome. OK. That makes sense, but doesn't explain why, in the Caribbean, hurricanes were named after the saints for hundreds of years before transmitting scientific information was possible. Hurricanes as saints? Wow. It boggles the mind.

There is something magnificent about these huge spiraling tunnels of clouds and the truly unbelievable winds and rains that accompany them. At a certain level of power, they do take on an energy that becomes more than a sum of its parts. I love seeing the satellite photos of them spinning their way across the Atlantic from their beginnings off the west coast of Africa. Wow.

We don't see the worst of the storms here in DC so it's easier for me to lapse into a kind of romantic awe of them. Usually we deal with what the weather people call "the remnants of ..."

Tomorrow the remnants of Hanna will sweep across DC, blowing loose leaves from the trees and providing us with some much needed rainfall. The storm is supposed to be dramatic but not destructive by the time it gets here.

I am very lucky to live indoors and far enough up the east coast to dodge the worst of the weather. It's thrilling to experience the drama and stature of the great named storms once they become "remnants." I look forward to tomorrow. Welcome Hanna!


Lynne said...

Can't wait. We need a good storm and certainly we need RAIN. (Nothing too damaging tho, please.)

Anonymous said...

I will be cocooned in a little retreat cottage tomorrow for a personal retreat, working on Simple Presence. I'd schedule this about a month ago. Now I look forward to doing the personal work listening to the rain and wind outside.


Val said...

how lovely... weather only seems to come in bulk these days - drought or flood. Enjoy and hope this one is manageable :-)

tut-tut said...

We need a good, steady rain here, for about a week.

Enjoy the winds!

Unknown said...

I love the power and majesty of storms, they're totally awesome, but like all things in nature, need respect. A dear friend down near New Orleans, and currently on holiday here, is hoping she'll have a home to go back to! As with all things storms have their yin and yang.

lettuce said...

it is a luxury to be able to enjoy storms, isn't it?

we're getting plenty of rain over here, but a really good storm - i wouldn't complain about that.

Steve Reed said...

I'm wondering what it will be like by the time it gets to NYC. Just a lot of rain, I suppose...not that that's a bad thing. :)

Squirrel said...

I'm looking forward to a long walk on a rainy day!

Squirrel said...

I'm looking forward to a long walk on a rainy day!

Squirrel said...

sorry, blogger has been stubborn about letting me post on your blog this past week.

mouse (aka kimy) said...

batten down the hatches while still enjoying the (much needed) rain

Janelle said...

lovely post reya! storms are mother earth reminding us of herself. i remember feeling so humble when we had all those earthquakes last year...and the volcano erupted as a result..feeling the earth wave under my spine. hmmm it made me feel very small and realize much larger things than me are moving the earth...puts things in perspective for sure!! XX janelle