Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Then What?

Buddha statue in Ten Penh, a fabulous DC restaurant. I'd had a couple of glasses of wine when I took the pic. It does evoke spirit guidance, though ... doesn't it?

You've figured out what you need help with, and you've contacted a spirit guide or two. What are you supposed to do then? Well, just as with any relationship, the next steps involve developing a rapport that works for you, finding a way of receiving guidance that doesn't creep you out and isn't too confusing, developing trust, etc. It's just like any other relationship. You have to work with it, you have to relate.

Some spirit guides stay with you forever. But sometimes relationships with spirit guides must end. During the time when I was doing so much shamanic work on the American Civil War battlefields, I was guided by "Bill" - an excessively polite spirit guide with a serious Southern drawl. He was sweet. When I stopped doing that work, Bill and I parted ways amicably. Another time I picked up a trickster spirit who had me convinced that because I could never trust his guidance, I would become very wise. What a load of crap, eh? When I finally shook myself out of that delusion, he was gone so fast that I believe the door did not hit his butt on the way out.

Spirit guides are not the end all and be all. They can not do everything and are not the answer for everything. I have three spirit guides who assist me in my healing work. But to do the work, I also had to go to massage school, pass the National Certification test, find a place to practice, and build my client base. If you've suffered some trauma and would like to heal, a guide can help you find the right psychotherapist or acupuncturist, or can help you figure out a way that you can pay for the therapy you need. As you can see I believe that working with spirit guides is a partnership. It doesn't work to sit around and wait for them to fix our problems.

I also want to say that you can lead a long, happy and successful life without ever contacting your guides. They will guide you whether you talk to them or not - ego is not a factor for these beings. They have guided you your whole life; they have guided you to read this post in fact. But they need not be acknowledged. All will be well.

Thanks for the wealth of wisdom via the amazing comments yesterday and the day before. If Grandpa passes along any more "recipes" I'll certainly share them. Be well, ya'll. Have a wonderful Wednesday.

Buddha statue in a window, facing the street. Interesting that the residents of this house look at the back of the statue. Very cool.


tut-tut said...

Again, very helpful. Thank you, Reya.

Anonymous said...

Once again you've answered my question before I asked it. ;)

Steve Reed said...

I'm glad to know I don't need to contact my guides. I hope that I am open to guidance, but I'm not sure I would be as open to conversation.

Anonymous said...

This has been fun Reya, thank-you.Delivered so well!!xx

Unknown said...

excellent reya- you do us proud xxx

Tess Kincaid said...

I'm fascinated. But it all makes sense and I am not at all surprised.

Meri said...

If we're open, the wisdom comes in big ways and small. The photos featured in this post are simply perfect for the job.

Elizabeth said...

When I was a child, there were two families who had Buddhas. Both were cheery, chubby Chinese ones. One had a tongue on a spring which you could make wiggle.
Being wasp beyond wasp, but sort of kind and liberal, we had no idols.
I used to envy Roman Catholics with Madonnas and such.
This is utterly off topic, but I'm so worn out with trying to keep puppy and husband happy at the same time, things of the spirit are beyond me today!

CocoDivaDog said...

I'm looking at the first photo....How many glasses of wine did you REALLY have?!
My Mom is Buddist. She would like the second photo.
I like it too.

Janelle said...

and wishing You, beautiful reya, a beautiful wednesday thursday etc...and best week-end ever waiting for ya! off camping west kilimanjaro tommorrow in the rain. charming. can;t wait. really! XX j

Washington Cube said...

Kilamanjaro in the rain...not the snow. Now there's a thought, and once again that voice telling me to go re-read Hemingway, and I don't even like Hemingway. Even Pat brought up Hemingway and little zzzts went off.

Reya Mellicker said...

Cube it's your spirit guides telling you to read Hemingway. Better get yourself down to the library.

Check out Janelle's blog sometime. It (like she) is luminous.

Chimera said...

I find this really intriuging and you write with great clarity and without being evangelical or sounding in the least bit 'chips short of a fish supper' (I love that one!) I have been enlightened and resolve to think on't.
Thank you so much,
Tanvi x

Reya Mellicker said...

Thanks, Tanvi.

Auntie ... maybe it was three glasses.

Butternut Squash said...

I am soaking all of this up. Thank you for not waiting until we ask the questions.

Jen said...

This is so interesting! I think I have the tendency to "ask" for help and then I get freaked out when I am contacted. I need to just let it come naturally, I think.

Nancy said...

Sometimes when I have "asked" for a certain way of doing something, I get this "voice" that says basically for me to do it myself - that's the whole point! So I see what you are trying to say about going to school, etc. Sometimes we need to learn exactly what we want guidance for. Learning requires doing it for ourselves sometimes.

Thank you, as always, enlightening.

Val said...

I love this. I need to know about this. thank you Reya..x

Reya Mellicker said...

Jenacide - If you want to develop a relationship with your guides, you could let them know that it freaks you out when you get direct answers. Ask them to be more gentle. They'll get it.

Lover of Life, sometimes when I say HELP ME to my guides, they say, "I AM helping you!" If you only hear "Do it yourself," though, I would go shopping for a guide that can be more helpful.

Washington Cube said...

So I'm looking on the library site at what they have available on Hemingway (obeying the voices,) and I see this book by Joyce Carol Oates called "Wild Nights" which is stories she's written about the last days (or nights)of famous writers like Twain, Emily Dickinson...and Hemingway. Adding it to the list, Reya. Adding it to the list. Which also leads to Van Morrison singing "Wild Nights" ~~where the wind catches your feet and sends you flying. Fllllyyying.~~ Yeah. Like that.

Loving your new bouncing curl hairdo.

Unknown said...

I like the "partenership" idea-- this has been a great (& timely) series.

Kathi said...

I've been reading along without comment but I too feel the presence of the Spirit in my own life. Sometimes I'm not listening but when I am there is great peace.
We are not alone.

Reya Mellicker said...

I love Van Morrison.

As for Emily Dickinson, I believe she had a spirit lover, something that did wonders for her poetry, but when I think about what that "relationship" did to her her personal life, I have to wonder, was it worth it?

And Joyce Carol Oates. OMG.

So look forward to your post about this!

Delwyn said...

May the force be with you...

Gary said...

Reya, I know you get this a lot but I really do feel so connected to you. I may be one of many but I am one.
Love and hugs to you. xoxo

Ronda Laveen said...

Please continue on this vein, my friend, at least for a little while. Your seva does not go unnoticed. The information is clearly needed and wanted. Namaste.

Washington Cube said...

Re: Emily. I believe she had a spirit lover. Great for her poetry. Wrecked her life.

Mrsupole said...

Hi Reya,

Thank you so much for all your help and comments.

Grandpa is really doing a good job. I sure hope he shares more with us, but if not that is fine too. I am even hoping the others become willing to share also. This advice is so great.

All I can say is thank you, thank you. Please let Grandpa know that I thank him and you so much.

Those two pictures are so interesting. When you really look at them you can see so much more than you think. Even when drinking you still take brilliant pictures. It is symbolic of your spirit guides always working with you.

God bless.

Barbara Martin said...

Very interesting an enlightening post, Reya. For yourself, ask your spirit guides about the coming earth changes and your part in it.