Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Bloggers in Dreams

Sometimes when I'm really tired, I don't dream or don't remember my dreams. I call this "survival sleep." I was so whacked last night I expected a night of survival sleep, but I was wrong. Last night, my dreamscape was full. As is often true, bloggers were hanging out in my dreams.

Some of the dreams were stupid. In one I was telling a blogger she should update her "vestigial" link list. I even used that word in the dream. That, if you ask me, is a waste of dream time since in "real" life I have no opinion or agenda around anyone's link list. In fact, I believe the blog link list is an expression of something quite core about the blogger so it should be exactly what the blogger wants. Ah, but not in my dream, apparently. Maybe this came up since I just changed my banner and page colors.

There were other silly dreams, for instance in a quick dream snip I discovered that Tom of Half Moose with a Twist was only twenty years old.

The most interesting dream involved a dark cave with a foot of water on the bottom, full of Very Scary Things like a creepy dead snake in the process of being devoured by maggots. I had two wallets in the dream, one of which I had left in the cave. Steve of Shadows and Light bravely accompanied me when I went back into the cave to get the wallet. It was there with all the money and cards intact. Thanks, Steve!

Two out of the three bloggers I dreamed about last night are people I have never met, but still they loom large in my subconscious, obviously. Steve is also a friend in "real" life, definitely brave enough and kind enough to help me retrieve my wallet.

Obviously blogging is a big thing for me. I make no apologies for that fact. But I am curious. Does anyone else dream about bloggers or is it just me?


Natalie said...

Yes! It disconcerts me. I have been having very vivid, colourful blog dreams in the last two weeks. I have been blogging for almost six months now ~ weird!

Joanne said...

I haven't yet, and haven't heard of this phenomenon before your post! Now here's the question, did anyone leave any dream comments ;)

tam said...

i dreamed about you soon after we 'met'. It was very intense. You taught me a clever way to merge dimensions, involving a mirror and extreme concentration. Details blurry now but feeling was potent.

Unknown said...

I don't remember my dreams as much as I might, but I can't recall any dreams involving bloggers. Oddly, Eberle does have dreams about the blog & about folks who visit it.

Reya Mellicker said...

That's funny, Joanne. No, in the dream it was like "real" life interactions. I know Steve so he behaved as he really would, but as for the two other bloggers, I have no idea what they look like or how hold they are.

My guess is that Tom is older than 20, though.

Reya Mellicker said...

Tam, you're back! Congratulations!

Natalie said...

No, I didn't get it Reya. :(

Elizabeth said...

This is a new one for me.......
but I think you are a more thoughtful and conscientious blogger than me.
Specially cool picture of Jake today.....

Lynne said...

I dreamt about pod one night ... he came to the States and we met; kissed and hugged and were happy to be meeting each other.

Butternut Squash said...

Hi Reya, I did have that one dream of you where you were reminding me not to become overly flustered and swear.

My dreams used to be exhausting, full of color with wild tales. Now they are only vague shadowy memories.

I may have given you a couple of awards and tagged you for a meme on my post, but only in a general way so that you should feel no obligations.

Reya Mellicker said...

With Pod and Tam and a couple of others, I have such a strong familial relationship that it would be weird NOT to dream about them, I guess.

I've dreamed of Pod, too. Tam I just "know." We are sisters. Don't ask me to explain this, I don't know why or how, but we are.

Amy said...

Reya -

No dreams about bloggers yet, just blogging itself. Sometimes I go to sleep thinking about it, and wake up thinking about it.

Although slightly obsessed, I'll tell you that I continue to learn so much from my bloggy friends. What a way to expand one's horizons, to read the thoughts and wisdom of others!

Happy pictures to start my day. Many thanks, and pleasant dreams!


Meri said...

Love the perspective on the first shot. And no dreams about other bloggers (yet) that I know of. Last night was filled with a complicated dream narrative that I recalled when I woke in the wee hours but that faded by six. Darn! I need to have a talk with the dream weaver about helping me recall and process. My word verification word is "ranteath,"
which could be the name of one of my guides.

Unknown said...

You, Reya, were the first, and only one thus far. In my mess of REM at the time you simply stood in the background like you were watching over me. I've not yet approached you for conversation, both times you've been there it's as if I can't get to you.

Janelle said...

yes! someone just commented that she dreamt that someone gave her My Book (still unwritten) and it had a moon on the front cover...? xxx j PS OUF! the word veri is newoon?????

Mrsupole said...

No dreams of bloggers that I know of, but I do wake up and think "Oh I have to answer some comments on some sites". And I know what I have to write. It is the first thought that comes into my head. Really weird since I do not know what was written yet. Really strange. Do you have any idea what this could be?

God bless.

Gary said...

I am sure I have had a dream or two with you in it but the details escape me.

Tess Kincaid said...

Yes-oh-yes! All the time. Probably three or four times a week. Sometimes I even dream things even before certain bloggers post on them. Now that's bizarre!

ArtSparker said...

Those photos are taken as if while falling, perhaps falling out of a dream, vertiginous.

moonshin said...

i haven't had one yet. yours the first one i heard, Reya. wow, talk about unique and special...i guess, that is just who you are =)

Reya Mellicker said...

Artsparker I love what you see in images, how you have language to describe what you see.

Willow! You're a blog psychic! How cool. You too Mrsupole!

Tom said...

Ha, i'd not want to be 20 again for anything! Maybe 30...
I don't think i've ever had a blog dream, but as you said, you don't remember all of your dreams, so who knows. Won't you please send some of your sun over this way?

Reya Mellicker said...

Tom it's rainy and dreary in DC today, but if we get sunshine anytime soon I'll be happy to share it.

Ronda Laveen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ronda Laveen said...

Not about specific bloggers yet, unless you count that one distrubing one with VE. But I am new so time will tell. I do compose in my dreams though.

But I have a scathingly brilliant idea. A larger version of a smaller experiment I did many years ago. It was a dream consciousness play. I had a friend of mine pick a subject or photo or idea to meditate on as she was falling asleep and try to dream it. I, on the other end, tried to meet her in the dreamtime and collect the message. We did this off and on with pre-arranged dates for a couple of weeks. The results were quite astounding.

It would be interesting to devise a Blog Dreamtime Experiment. Are you up for it. It would have to be after taxes and this weekend. But think about it, huh?

What a white knight is that Steve.

Now I have to finish up here so I can finish my taxes. Finish the taxes. Finish the taxes. Finish the taxes...my mantra for the day.

Lehigh Valley Transplant said...

Reya, having lived in DC for 10 years, your blog is always a dream for me. The photographs you publish are great reminders of some memories long-stashed away, of ordinary days, walks to and from a Metro station, seeing the cherry blossoms and federal monuments not as tourist attractions but as your backyard.

Reya Mellicker said...

Megan how wonderful.

Ronda: YES. After you do the taxes, do the taxes, do the taxes. It'll be fun to see what we come up with.

Steve Reed said...

Wow, Reya, I'm so happy that I figured into your dream! I would absolutely accompany you into that cave. (But I might make you go first! LOL!)

Unfortunately, I almost never remember my dreams. Sometimes, if I wake up slowly on a morning when I can afford to be leisurely, they stay circling my head for a little while and I can remember them. But usually I get moving pretty quickly and they just blow away.

So, in answer to your question, I'm not sure whether I've had a blogger dream or not. Kind of like Gary, I suspect I have, but I just don't remember it!

Steve Reed said...

LOVE the new look, by the way!

Bogey said...

Hi, first time visitor. I haven't been blogging that long yet so haven't had that kind of experience. I would imagine, however we connect with people, via face to face or thru the Blog world, at some point I can see it having some kind of an impact like that. It depends on the kind of "relationships" you develop with those you connect with.

Angie McCullagh said...

Yes, I have. It's odd.

Claire, Deep Water Leaf Society said...

Dreamed about Twitter the other night - trying to rearrange all these columns to keep up with everyone.

Reya Mellicker said...

I can relate, Kat. My blogfellow list is now so ridiculously long there's no way I can visit everyone. In addition there are people I haven't yet added whose blogs I visit daily. It's completely out of control, but I love that.

Nothing like this network of connection has ever happened on this planet. I love being a part of it.

No wonder I dream about it!

Steve? LOL!! In the dream you walked shoulder to shoulder with me into the cave. When you saw the snake, you said, "Don't let Jake snack on that!" You were being funny to lighten the mood.

You are such a good friend.

Mary said...

Reya - yes - I have dreamed about bloggers -they (you) all have become real elements in my life. I am kinda thinking about Ronda's scathingly brilliant idea as being oh-so-fun....I'm In!!

Squirrel said...

I've dreamt of Tut Tut & Lettuce on several occasions, and it's so real, I wake up thinking they are here in Nyack. Then I have dreamt more than once about bloggers I've never met in real life like Kurt (OPE). (in my dream we communicated via drawings and writing even though we were hanging out together and could have spoken to each other~ it was very peaceful.)
I'm lucky I guess to remember my dreams and they're usually pretty enjoyable.

Nancy said...

Not so far. But then I rarely remember my dreams. But I'm not surprised - we find friends most like us in blog land than in the real world, I think. We can travel around and pick and choose. Not so easy in real life. I wonder what that means??? (Insert Twilight Zone music.)

I blogged about how our energy is being attracted to each other. Something is happening. I'm just not sure what.

My word verification is - summon!

Serafina said...

This is the first time i heard people have this kind of dream. Maybe it's because of you really likes to blog and that's why you have a dream like this.^_^

Unknown said...

i have dreamt about you REYA- really- you were with the little girl VANESSA ( the spirit energy who visits me)- this was only a night or two ago......interesting xx

hele said...

I once had a vivid dream about a fellow blogger showing me a huge secret garden, free from urban consumption and stress.

When i saw a photo of her later she looked very similar to the way she did in the dream. We longed talked of meeting. Maybe this was our way to do so.

Barry said...

I envy people who remember their dreams, even scary ones. I have up in the morning having lost 8 hours, a third of my life, with nothing to show for it.

Except I'm refreshed.

And I still have my wallet.

A Cuban In London said...

I'm afraid I have done. Dream about bloggers, that is. Then again, your subconscious starts playing with images about people you will probably never meet and the rest is... well, the rest is history as your well-written post indicates. Many thanks.

Greetings from London.

lettuce said...

i've had a number of blog dreams -and one including you quite recently i'm sure hmmm... trying to remember what happened, I'll pop back here if I do

R.L. Bourges said...

yes, I dream about bloggers too. Seems pretty natural since we make powerful connections over the web as in many other ways.

(Haven't been over in awhile but have fond memories of your blog, Reya.)


lettuce said...

reya yesterday i suddenly remembered my most recent dream about you

I was visiting you and there was quite a bit of pleasurable wandering around streets and places which look how I imaine parts of Italy, lots of sun and shadows.
And there was a nice man "around" (i remember nothing really about him), and you told me you were getting married.

thats all.