Monday, May 5, 2008

A New Point of View

Sometimes a waning moon brings a lot of change and transformation - even though in my opinion waning moons should be quiet times of introspection minus all the external action. But - do you think the moon listens to me? Uh - never!

As proof that my ideas about an orderly progression of lunar phases are nothing more than my fantasies, this last moon (just turned today) unfolded herself not so much as a wise old crone, but more like a hulkin' dude of transformation, change, connections, and celebrations. The last quarter of the last moon was the Shiva Nataraj of moons. Whew!

So much happened last week, I still feel turned inside out by it all - though in a good way. Sometimes it's A Very Good Thing to have the rug pulled out from under foot. Still, adjusting to a new state of being, a new state of mind, can be a bit harrowing.

According to Chinese medicine, change is so intrinsic to life that when things don't change, dis-ease is inevitable. Amazing idea, isn't it? Certainly after the end of the moon just past, I don't have to worry about disease, do I? No way! No way. Yeah.


Washington Cube said...

If I told what just happened, you'd never believe it in a gazillion years. I opened your blog,and there was this picture posted...then as I was reading about change...the picture scrolled into a new photograph. I dunno...maybe you were online fiddling with things, but it really wigged me out. oooh oooh ohhh.....(spooky music).

Reya Mellicker said...

Sorry to spook you, Cube! I often switch pics after I post, depending on whether I think it looks "right."

But it is kind of perfect, isn't it? Everything in life changes except change. Everything.

lettuce said...

i love how the chair backs and the tree trunk & branches mirror and match each other

home is home is home - i'd be back very soon if i could

Steve Reed said...

It's all about flow, right, Reya?

tut-tut said...

Very fluid; I like what you have to say about change and dis-ease . . .

Unknown said...

Oh what a wonderful post! And yes, I'd agree with the view that change is intrinsic to life - inevitably, it's one of the key ways in which we grow.

Absolutely love the pictures, that first one is almost Klee-esque!

Gary said...

Thanks for your comments to me about Chinese medicine and healing. Could I adore you any more than I already do?