Cool air, warm sunshine, fluffy clouds, soft breezes, lush green canopy overhead, "too many" roses blooming everywhere, birdsong. Also: people in good moods walking around, lots of free, unscheduled time ... ahhhh.
Tomorrow it's back to work with a vengeance, but today? Excellent all the way around.
I absolutely adore this photo - the ladybug camping out on the rose petal and the bud yet unfurled - ahhhh sweet serenity!!
I was loving the photo as it slowly loaded...and then that ladybug came into view and I couldn't believe it! Talk about perfect!
What a stunning photograph! The ladybug is the perfect adornment. Just fabulous!
I didn't notice the ladybug until I was just about to press the shutter - I gasped with appreciation of course, then immediately I made a wish.
Do ladybugs grant wishes? Somehow I think they do.
My heart said oooooh, pink, soft, enchantment be mine.
So very beautiful.
That photo is just perfect!
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