After this day of too many activities, I feel like I've been run hard and ... you know. It's good to be busy, but I don't have the endurance that your typical Washingtonian possesses in spades. Such a shame, since the ability to just keep going no matter what is the true key to success. I think it's more important than intelligence, people skills or even good looks.
There are thousands of Washingtonians who got twice as much done today as I did, who are just now, around 9:00 p.m., deciding where to have dinner. As for myself, a shower and a few minutes reading my book is about all I'm good for.
How do they do it? Please explain.
Dennis doesn't know...maybe meth amphetamines?
Actually, I wouldn't want to be one of those super-hyped-overdrive types. I see too much of the consequences- they are overstressed, overtired, and they feel they never give 100% to any particular area of their lives. While it may give them professional success, I don't think it does anything for their overall well-being and happiness.
people drink a lot of coffee here and speed through life. a serious amount of coffee--all day--
"Slow down and smell the roses" is a lot better for the long haul. I was once in overdrive and that part of my life is just a blur. I think you know something all those people who are eating dinner at 9:00 need to discover!
Thanks, ya'all. This morning, after nine hours of blissful sleep, I feel back to my usual levels of energy.
I always boast about how healthy I am for my age (55) but this morning I was thinking that if I worked as hard as most of the citizens of the District, I'd be sick all the time, worn out, on anti-anxiety meds, catching colds right and left, etc. just like my clients.
There's a way in which I really admire folks who can put their nose to the grindstones and make things happen. But ... I'm not one of them.
A very relaxing Sunday to ya'all!
I don't want to be one of those people that go and go either. Yesterday I had tons of energy but today my body clock needs winding. Lazy Sunday ahead for me!
I don't see how they do it knowing how hot and muggy it is there much of the year. It's nearly 80 degrees in SF, and I am unable to function. However, I think I more admire people who do fewer things but accomplish more by making wise choices, not always falling for the tyranny of the last minute good idea.
If it's any consolation, I often wonder the same thing about New Yorkers!
Yes, New Yorkers are just as driven, even moreso, you could say, or at least their drive is more glamorous.
Ladron, most of the year Washington DC is beautiful. It's only muggy in July and August. Really muggy then, most most of the time the weather is great.
I'm beginning to suspect that "they" don't do it either. And if "they" do, I shall henceforth stop believing in this "they" that they are. I mean, really...
I have lots of clients who never stop, never. I mean NEVER. They are tough! Blows me away.
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