Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Raison d'etre

I always love hearing what my esteemed colleagues here in the blog world think. Many sincere thanks to all for leaving such GREAT comments on yesterday's post. I learn something new from you every day. Really, thank you.

Believe it or not, I think (perhaps this is a fantasy) that I have a pretty good handle on my own life's purpose, not only with regard to what I'm supposed to be doing, but also what's not my job this time around.

I knew even as a kid that I would not have children. I just knew it in my heart of hearts - that it was not my job this time around. I was also certain, at an early age, that I would never be a triumphant member of corporate society. In fact, I have never in my life owned a business suit. I wonder if I should be proud or ashamed of this? Hmmmm ....

Probably the most important thread of life purpose has been/is the recovery of my role as healer. It took me until midlife (my early 40's) before I began to study massage and other healing techniques. The story I tell myself is that past lifetimes in which I was a military nurse totally soured my enthusiasm for the art of healing. I mean really, watching young men die of infections during the Civil War and WWI? It sucked. So I gave it up. During WWII, I was not of much help to anyone, sadly. The good news is that, since moving to Washington DC, I have been guided very strongly to reconnect with my soul's purpose. Once again, in this life, I work with the troops - living, dead, active, retired, important in rank or not so much. It's ironic, paradoxical, that this is part of my soul's purpose as I am the most non-violent person in the world; I grew up in a family of peaceniks who were against my choice to join the girl scouts because it is a "para-military" organization. My goodness.

What I'm wondering about this week is whether or not there is a difference between the roles we play (massage therapist) and the underlying archetype (healer) that sets the tone for life purpose. Does this make any sense? Even I don't know exactly what I mean! Perhaps I should stop for now, pull my wits and words together a bit more before continuing on this topic. Yes? I say yes.


Reya Mellicker said...

In order to make this piece of my life purpose align with the north lunar node in my chart, I would have to find a house system in which that node appears below the horizon, in my sixth house. As it is, it's in the seventh house of partnerships, never, not EVER, my best thing. Marriages? Disasters. Business partnerships? Hard work, finally going down in flames. Even my relationship with my dog was kind of pathological. So - so much for the astrological impact.

NanU said...

I've been pretty spotty on reading blogs lately, but I'm getting back to you here. It's really nice that you know what you're about, without being rigidly locked into anything. A healthy middle road.

And we're so different, but many of the things you knew I knew too - no kids, no corporate (I did own a business-y suit once: took it to Greece to give a presentation in, plane got turned around on a bomb threat, they went through ALL the baggage and left my lipstick open, which proceeded to ruin the suit, saving me from ever wearing one. And I never ever wear lipstick either.)
GOTTA meet you next month!

ellen abbott said...

Perhaps partnership is the lesson you set for yourself this time around? that it is so hard maybe means you have tried it before to little success. Now the parameters are a little harder perhaps to bring the lesson home more fully. But who knows, not me.

I guess I am at heart (and soul) a maker. I don't think this has been the first time I have lived as an artist. I've never fit into the corporate world or structure, was never, ever, even a little bit attracted to it.

Reya Mellicker said...

Sometimes I wish I had the benefits and retirement money that those who can tolerate the corporate realm are entitled to. But that's only sometimes.

Oh Nancy, the gods really showed you, in no uncertain terms, where you do not belong. Can't wait to see you!

Ellen I do think you are a maker, a shaper of glass especially (such a magical substance.) As for partnerships, well, it ain't over till it's over. Maybe at some point I'll get it right.


The Bug said...

As a person who works in corporate America (and who hasn't saved NEARLY enough for retirement) I can only hope that my archetype is different from the role I play. That would make me sad. Although, at 46, I don't really know what my archetype is - it's not too late to find out!

Reya Mellicker said...

Bug I didn't really get my thing until my mid-40's. You're right on time!

Mrsupole said...

Well which ever house you live in I think you will make it a home. It doesn't matter where the stars are aligned now because you adapt to whatever situation you are presented with.

When we are children we either believe some of the things we find out or as most people do we tend to just ignore it as we grow up. You are in touch with a part of you that most of us never will be.

As the saying goes "just keep on trucking" and you will be fine.

God bless.

Susan Carpenter Sims said...

Para-military Girl Scouts - LOL!

I didn't get to jump into yesterday's conversation, but I did read it and it got me thinking. I guess I see life purpose primarily in terms of archetype rather than role. I see patterns and threads in the roles that I play that show me what my life purpose is. I can name some of that - I'm a teacher, for instance - but there's an underneath thing that's almost beyond definition because it's an energy or a quality - an essence - that is uniquely my own.

Reya Mellicker said...

Keep on truckin'. Yeah!

Jinksy said...

On the astrology kick, how about aspects and transits on your chart? They too, can explain a lot...

Julie Harbin said...

Reya, I think you're doing a great job with your 7th house life mission. You are forming PARTNERSHIPS to convince others that your healing ideas and efforts are worthy..this time around. :)


Reya Mellicker said...

I think it's a stretch to call what I do "partnerships." As for the rest of my chart, I've been studying it for thirty years. What it says about me, succinctly said is: What a piece of work!

Oh yeah!

Ronda Laveen said...

I didn't get into healing until my 40's either and now see that is my soul's work. I wish I'd gotten here sooner but still, I'm near 20 years in the field and have many more good years ahead.

Ya know, you're not dead yet. You still have time to "get" relationships.

Reya Mellicker said...

Thanks, Ronda. It could happen, you never know!

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Whitney Lee said...

Perhaps Partnerships is your thing to work through next time around. It sounds like connecting in a healthy way to the part of you that's a healer was your life's lesson this go round. Or maybe Partnerships is the focus of your latter decades...Who knows? That's the beauty of it, right? The fact that it's as yet unwritten.

Julie Harbin said...

I think you form partnerships with your clients to improve their health and partnerships online with your followers to get your message out. I'm a Libra sun sign, so I see relationships and partnerships in EVERYTHING!