Friday, June 25, 2010

A Theory of Relativity

St. Marks Church, and God.

My first great astrology teacher taught me that the idea behind the art is not, as many people will assert, that the planets are DOING things to us. The planets do not have personalities or motivations like ours, nope. What she always said is that we are "cyclical beings, living in a cyclical universe." We are related to the planets and stars, in other words. In relationship, there is impact. Yeah. I love that.

I think of astrology as a poetry of physics. It addresses the fundamental forces of gravity and electro-magnetism within our solar family of rocky terrestrials, gas giants, and ice giants, as well as the way our solar family interacts with all the other solar families out there. We are a part of this family, you and I. The electro-magnetic field of Brother Sun extends far beyond Pluto, so believe you me, you are living within that field and affected by it every second of every day. When the moon is full (as well as at the dark moon), our earth's oceanic tides are strongly affected. When the sun and moon line up, gravity literally pulls the oceans away from the seabed with much more than the usual intensity. You are 98% water. Yes, I mean YOU. Do you really think gravity isn't tugging on you? C'mon. We astrologers struggle to find a language for the impact of that tugging, for the impact of electro-magnetism, for the feng shui that accompanies the positions of all these huge bodies.

Tomorrow is a doozie of a day astrologically. Expect a lot of light shining into every dark corner of your mind, body, and being. Expect tugs and pulls. You might feel cranky, or energized, or completely overwhelmed or maybe you'll develop what I call the numb forehead, a condition that sometimes accompanies an overloaded, overcharged event. Maybe you'll be oblivious. Who knows?

My strategy for tomorrow is to take it easy, play it cool. I'm juicing up my sense of humor, focusing on beauty, balance and delight. Hoping to see with clear eyes and an open heart, and to embody all the emotional willingness I've been able to muster during the last two weeks.

Once upon a time I would have either wanted to duck and cover, or come out swinging, as if there's any point in fighting the fundamental forces. For heaven's sake. My plan for tomorrow is to dance with the energy, but lightly. Light as a feather. That's my plan. Shalom.


ellen abbott said...

Just open up to the forces at play. They're going to have their sway regardless. (ooo, I'm a poet!)

Reya Mellicker said...

You are, Ellen.

I feel pretty calm, actually. And excited. Just another day on earth.

jeanette from everton terrace said...

I love the idea of focusing on delight. I'll be in the car all day today but I'm going to give it a try. Happy Weekend Reya.

Butternut Squash said...

Lots of drama in your photo.
I just hope that I will be able to sleep. Sometimes these full moons get me very antsy. I have to start projects and my mind races.

Reya Mellicker said...

Oh yeah. Lots of drama. That was intentional, don't you know?

Vicki said...

I love reading your blog~ you are very interesting and have a profound outlook<3 I am trying to focus on the positive energy.

Tom said...

whatever the day brings, i'm gonna wade through it, supplemented by extra water and honey cough least the heat seems to be the beauty of the sunclouds!

Jo said...

Beautiful post, beautiful photo (I LOVE the caption), and beautiful sentiments.

"I think of astrology as poetry of physics." Profound and thought provoking, as always.

Many thanks, Reya. I'll be driving to KC tomorrow to wish my mother a happy birthday, so put in a good word for me with the powers that be as I traverse the highways on such a doozie of a day!

Jo said...
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Washington Cube said...

I'll keep what you said in mind. Seriously. And I've been quoting you on my blog today...but in a more lighthearted sense. Hey! We're discussing light, right?

Reya Mellicker said...

THanks, Vicki! I am definitely a thinker. I can't help it. When blogging was invented, finally I had some way to put it out there. So thanks.

Cube I must get by for a visit! Quoting me? Wow.

Jo safe driving and happy celebrations. Tell your mom happy birthday for me, too, OK?

Reya Mellicker said...

Tom I was thinking that finally you're getting to experience a June day in DC - hot but breezy and not too humid. I imagined all of you at Arlington today. Yes?

Dan Gurney said...

When a huge set of waves is coming in, it's often best to paddle farther out, well beyond the break, and let the big ones lift you up, and pass unbroken, beneath your board.

Reya Mellicker said...

Thanks, Dan. That sounds just right ... except there's no padding beyond the tidal wave of tomorrow. We are of it and within it. My psychic seatbelt is fastened and I have a smile on my face.

Ronda Laveen said...

To fearless, clear seeing and dancing with the stars. Meet you in the ethers...can't wait!

Linda Sue said...

Thanks for the heads up- Think that after I am done here at home i will go back out to the country - plan to stay there until provisions run out. You would love this place and Winslow- he is your kind of pup! Portuguese water dog - does not shed, highly intelligent and fun!Just your type! Come on over - this is a great house sitting gig!!!

Reya Mellicker said...

Linda Sue, how I wish I could head in your direction asap!

Ronda, let's dance into the eclipse, please? Hammer posted this video dance lesson by James Brown on Facebook yesterday. Let's boogaloo!!

Nancy said...

10:31 a.m. our time will be the big event, I think.

Mrsupole said...

I think I will have to watch everything that everyone does tomorrow because I am going to one of the grandkids B-day party and there will be a lot of drinking going on. Yea to margaritaville and a few pina coladas. Yup, the planets will be aligning up real nicely. Any reason to have a party is a good reason.

But being a DD means I don't get to drink much, dang it, I will just have to enjoy the people there, along with the beautiful sunlight. Not really being much of a drinker I am totally okay with enjoying the planets and the sun. Although I sure hope it is not too hot.

God bless.

Cheryl Cato said...

You are my eyes & ears to the the world of astrology; "poetry of physics", I like it. I'll try to "play it cool"... now if I could still snap my fingers life would be better!

Reya Mellicker said...

I love snapping my fingers. I really do! Snap!