Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Hey Jude

I can't remember where I read it, the idea that since evolution and change is so intrinsic in the universe, probably even the laws of nature evolve over time. What we think is set in concrete is just as changeable as anything else. Even the laws of nature.

I say YES! I say YAY!! Let the whole of "reality" be ever-shifting, ever-changing. That "truth" makes anything possible, really anything. I love that.

Just this morning I read about how doctors are figuring out that sometimes cancer goes away on its own. Well, it can, and does - probably more often than they think, since they're used to studying only the cancers that continue to develop.

I find this story incredibly encouraging - not that I'm counting on this new "truth" to mean that all my friends and clients who have cancer will suddenly be completely cured, unfortunately, no I won't go there. It's the tendency of cancer to grow, but how amazing to learn that it doesn't always get worse. Wow.

That gives me hope for all supposed lost causes. Thank you so much all you intrepid cancer researchers. May your efforts prevail!!


ellen abbott said...

I think you are probably right about that. Why shouldn't the laws of nature evolve? And if we create our own reality, if we all together are creating this reality we call the physical world through our agreement about what it looks like and how it acts, then surely as our agreements change, so will the physical reality.

That second photo is so cool with the raindrops only on the leaves that landed back side up.

The Bug said...

Dr. M & I watched a movie about Charles Darwin the other week & it reminded me that so often things people in the past have believed were "gospel" turned out to be not what they seemed. We learn things all the time that rock our worlds - & I'm glad!

Rosaria Williams said...

Good news indeed. Love that picture you have here.

Reya Mellicker said...

Ellen I didn't make that up. Some physicist did. Sounds right to me!

Steve Reed said...

That was a fascinating story, wasn't it? Another example of the ever-changing laws of nature is Old Faithful, which for years erupted on schedule and then, suddenly, became much more variable. The whole planet and universe is shifting and changing all the time! Woo hoo!

Tom said...

there are more possibilities than there are leaves on a tree(s).

But actual laws of nature changing? I think it's more likely that we don't actually know or understand all the laws.

like the carpet of muted leaves in the first car door reflection. sweet!

Whitney Lee said...

The only constant is change, right?
For a Taurus that's a bit frightening at times. On the whole though, it's reassuring to know that nothing is set in stone.

Tess Kincaid said...

That's the most encouraging news I've heard all day! Yay Jude!

lacochran said...

Fantastic ideas! I love it. Thanks for sharing!

Butternut Squash said...

I saw some little girls this morning hunting for perfect fallen leaves, just like those in your photos.

About cancer going away, it sounds right to me too. And I also think that love, laughter and less stress helps it to move on its way.

Reya Mellicker said...

Tom I think we want at least something in the world to be fixed, but everything we've studied so far changes, even the universe itself, currently in an expansive phase. Do the laws of nature stand outside of nature? How can they? How can anything?

Joanne said...

To put any positive spin or suggestion on cancer is a good thing! All the more reason for progress & further research.

Mrsupole said...

Laws are made to be broken.

Maybe nature decided that one. I love the idea that any illness can go away on it's own, especially cancer. Isn't there a saying about things defying gravity. I think there is so much out there in the universe that mankind has no clue about. I hope this is always the case, because that is the constant that keeps us exploring and learning.

Both you and Ronda seem to be on fascinating journeys right now. I am so thankful that you two are taking us along with you. It's amazing to see things in a new light. I continualy look forward to see what is next.

I have also taken my blog off it's break and put up my first post since August. I cannot believe it has been so long. And I also posted some pictures from my past and hope to do some more soon. I wrote about my recovery from my surgery also. It can be cathartic, at least I hope so.

I cannot decide which picture I like most. But the leaves with the raindrops are fascinating, and then again to see all the fall colors in the other leaves is cool. I like them both.

God bless.

steven said...

hi reya - my essence sister ali flew away today after wrestling with brain cancer for six months. she lived hard and fast. beauty. love and joy guide her soul. her soul's essence hasscattered factally thoughout the all of everything.
the universe shifts with every breath. with every butterfly wing flutter. with every thought. it's clouds of energy washing through clouds.
the rules are there - scientific or religious or whatever - to make it easier to be able to stand on whatever level or in whatever place you're prepared to stop and look and say "oh my. it's so beautiful".
sweet dc evening reya. steven

Barry said...

That was an intriguing and, for me personally, very hopeful article.

Virtually all of the cancerous hot spots I have are so tiny they are symptomless and detectable only through CT and deep bone scan.

Barbara Martin said...

Good news, Reya.

By thinking positively we can manifest cures for everyone.

Reya Mellicker said...

Barry, maybe they'll just go away! I hope so.

Ronda Laveen said...

I hear more and more from people about cancers that just disappear or hold where they are. There is a lot of metaphysical work going on around the globe with working on the subtle bodies and bringing the perfect mother cells from the etheric into the physical body. Bringing it to replicate and replace aberant cells. Bringing that light and wholeness into the RNA, DNA at an atomic and subatomic level in to all the cells, tissues, systems, glands, organs, nerves, telemere. Fascinating!

NanU said...

I think cancer does go away on its own, all the time. It's only since we've been able to be pro-active and go out and find cancer before it becomes a problem that we realized this was so frequent. The story applies mostly to tiny tumors, early in their development; not so much to established ones or metastases. The latter have already learned to evade the immune system and are very hard to catch up to.
The question is indeed why we don't all have cancer.

Joanna said...

Change is the only constant. Yay to that. Hopefully growth and evolution too.