The beautiful house at 12th St. NE, across the street from Lincoln Park. That red stripe just to the right of the aqua reflection of Jake's coat? That's me in my red coat.
Dion Fortune defined magic as the art of changing consciousness at will. Especially since I left my spell casting days behind me, I've loved that definition because it doesn't require the shaping of energy. According to Dion, conjuring is not necessary.
I believe her. I believe magic unfolds in every moment. We don't have to do anything except pay attention in order to participate. Isn't that nice? The world generously offers up its magic all the time, if only we're willing to notice.
It sounds easy, but paying attention is a big challenge, requiring much more patience and openness than the act of conjuring. Mindfulness is my central practice these days. I think that's why I see dragons and dancers and ghosts in the smoke rising from sticks of incense, and why I so enjoy the reversed and distorted landscapes in shiny car roofs and hoods.
Do you see the dragon, the dancer, the ghost? Smoke is so coherent. Why doesn't it instantly disperse into the air? Why does it form these shapes? I know there's a scientific answer, I know. Just as true as the physics of smoke, though, is the magic of smoke.
Check it out. If you see more than smoke as you watch, you have changed your consciousness. Presto, you're a magician! Very cool!
Mesmerizing and uplifting. Especially after last night's nightmare!
Very clever.
so fun
in my first snow of the year pic
posted on the Wac
there are two golden discs
i never saw in the original
the pansies out front are magic
love and more love,
I've always enjoyed "hallucinating" and with your beautiful and imaginative photography it's even more fun to do that!
Odd, and yet so beautiful. Thnks.
Greetings from London.
Wonderful slide show, not unrelated to looking into a fireplace with dancing flames.
I saw the ghost in the car immediately! Freaky!
I see a dancer, a squid, a demented mosquito
Changing your own consciousness is one thing. helping others to change theirs? i think you are a very cool magician.
Love the photo, and much fun on the cup.....it's all in the eye of the beholder ; )
great post! love the smoke ....I see those images and so much more.
right on regarding what you said about mindfulness .... coincidentally I mentioned mindfulness just a bit ago in response to a comment about the vow of non-violence that I posted about this morning....
I like dion's definition for magic - however, I've always stated that 'magic is making things happen'
forgot jake is so handsome!
wonderful photo montage, you're so clever reya
and the smoke is wonderful
Beautiful, Reya. I really DO see the dragon!
Of course you do, Steve!
I see benevolent forms reaching back and staring into the light source.
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