The reflected clouds look like a brain, don't they?
One of my final projects for 2008 is to dream as much and as vividly as possible, apparently. Every night this week the dreams gallop in on horseback and keep me busy until it's time to rise. My "real" life is, by comparison, rather dull.
Trying to write down as much as I can remember of these dreams, mostly because when I look back on dreams after a few months, I'm always amazed at the power of human imagination. Often I've completely forgotten every detail. Sometimes I think, "Did I really dream that??"
A few dream snips from last night:
Cheetahs and reindeer are living in the triangle park across the street. I'm wondering how they manage to cohabit.
A young boy is looking at me adoringly. He is an heir to a huge ice cream company. I am his grandmother's doppelganger. He loves his grandmother dearly.
I'm on a bus with my sister. Because I'm struggling to organize all my stuff, I don't realize (until she tells me) that we're going in the wrong direction. We get off the bus, catch one going in the other direction.
There is a coffee shop called "Chaos." Everyone tells me they have the very best coffee.
Kind of random, aren't they? I don't perceive any pattern. So I wonder what I'm doing all night long, dreaming and dreaming? It's interesting, but kind of a lot.

Beautiful shots! ; )
I wouldn't mind being in the Chaos coffee shop now myself ; )
I'm still impressed that you remember your dreams so well.
I had a dream several nights ago about a coworker, and I didn't realize it until I actually saw the coworker yesterday!
Of COURSE "Chaos" would have the best coffee!
Coffee, you're a brave man.
Steve - I've practiced remembering my dreams for decades. If you practiced, you would remember yours, too. I bet your dreams are great!
love the buildings that emerge from and grow down into the bricked street
dreams for me are amazing too
the best one was that having failed to send President Obama many shoes (Warren at the Inaugeration)--I've now organized 200,000 ticket holders to "boo" from his introduction, until he is through--message, we will not tolerate hate and intolerance--not even from you dear Obama.
I woke pleased with the media coverage and thinking our dog had changed to a dalmation.
love you
Ha! They say it's important to remember not just the content of the dream but how you felt in it. I say, it's important not to eat spicy food too late at night. ;)
I like the implied invitation to have a seat inside a somewhat chaotic brain in the first shot, which goes so well with a great coffee shop called Chaos. Just finished reading a Jonathan Carroll novel, in which one of the characters tastes Chaos, it has a bitter taste but a sweet aftertaste and is quite addictive.
Have been on many a bus ride in dreams, and they are always to different destinations than one has planned.
when i dream sometimes i wake up tired, i think my racing mind has legs...
gorgeous reflections,your photos are dreamy and belong hanging in a coffee shop...any shop.
It seems that everyone I know is having very vivid dreams lately. Apparently it extends beyond the folks I know too. I just stumbled upon your delightful blog. Beautiful photos!
Love both these photos! Thanks for your well wishes. I think I'm on the road to recovery now. At least I hope so! On to the new year!!
Art sparker I LOVE the way you see things I haven't in the images. Wow. Thank you.
Lynne I am soo glad you're on the mend.
Lori - I'm dreaming too much and waking up tired. I know just what you mean.
it IS a brain! wow. your dreams are all about opposites...even the coffeeshop one...xxx janelle
The photos on your last couple of posts are so beautiful. I love the way the build environment seems infused and reflected by nature.
And your words always bring blessed calm to my brain.
Thank you, Janelle!
the photoes were very nicely taken.good thought
Hi Reya,
Congratulations for choosing your blog in Blog Notes. Happy new year!
I would like to post some of your dreams on my blog. I try to post dreams from different persons all over the world to see how our imaginations could take us. If you prefer just to keep it on your blog, that's fine.
Have a very nice day.
impressive, and very creative
looks sharp!
really nice...
Thanks for visiting my blog ;)
Good luck
OMG no one is driving the car! Bail!
Beautiful pictures
I wish I was thereeee
nice pic, nice article, how to make them so nice catch eye??
Beautiful photos, as unique as your dreams!
Happy New Year!
Your photos are wonderful. Your dreams are hilarious. Your blog made me laugh. I say, thumbs up! I'm all for cake, too.
wonderful photos, drawing on a sheet drive
Beautiful, beautiful!
This photo is really mind blowing...
ur photos sense is awesome...i imagine these pics and u put them imaginations to real...keep the good word continue..u knw i thing more we share a common astrological sign...
I really love your images!
I absolutely love your photos!
I love your work with reflections.
Very cool photo!
your photos get better and better reya!
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