It's as if the weather gods have put us on a color diet these last few days. The sky is gray, the streets are gray, the gardens are gray, the houses are gray. The only color to be found today was in reflections. At least in alternative realities, there's some vim, some vigor.
I shouldn't complain. Mostly we have wildly colorful weather here, but every now and then DC goes gray. Really, really gray.
What to do but make ginger cookies, listen to music, drink tea? That's how I whiled away my gray day. And you?

That's what's so odd about winter in California. With so much rain and darkness, it is quite a shock when the skies clear and we see glistening green hills and early blooming buds.
Ran around, had lunch with a friend, tried to knit something purple.
ginger cookies, yum
would be good with russian caravan tea
I love gray days best. I'm happy then.
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