I didn't have my camera in my pocket which meant I had no choice except to simply stand there and stare into the bright white, perfectly round face of Brother Moon this evening as I walked home from work.
It was incredible. Not only the moon, but the fact that there was nothing between my eyes and that heavenly vision. Sometimes it's a good thing to leave the camera at home.
Saturday morning: Jake and I were out just before sunrise, so I was given a second chance to see the fullest full moon in 14 years. I put my camera between my eye and the moon this morning. Oh yeah. The pic is grainy because my camera is so cheap. Sad that you can't really tell how full it was. Believe me - really really full!

but not for us
thats so interesting about the moon - ours was blurred last night through some light cloud but we saw it rise huge and orange.
love the photo
The moon was hidden by clouds, and I stood out under trees staring up at it. The clouds parted and moved and it looked like it was sailing in a ship, then the clouds looked like a dropped brassiere. Shrug. I did watch the moon for the longest time tonight. I even talked to it. :)
I wish I'd caught that moon. Maybe I shall start taking an occasional evening walk . . .
It will still be big and full tonight, Tut. Check it out.
Cube? I talked to my darling Luna too.
There is an absolutely beautiful moon song in German(I think it has 12 verses), called "Der Mond ist aufgegangen", and the perfect time that I and some friends sang it once was at a night walk when I was eleven and we had all climbed up on a huge hay stack and lay on our backs and saw the moon right above us...yes, I know what you mean, Reya!
There was a moon behind clouds here -going through the permutations of a heavenly amoeba.
Your first photograph caused the Neil Young song "After the Gold Rush" to start playing in my brain.
J, of all people, is the one who informed me that there was a full moon last night. As we sat and watched it go in and out of the clouds from our upstairs windows, he said, "I bet Reya is out there watching this."
J knows me better than I thought he did! Being a crab, he is intensely connected to the moon. Very cool!
I like the shot. There is something haunting about the picture. It made me think how this grainy shot will blend well with the NYC Dakota Building Apartment as its foreground.
Say what you will, I love the photo of the moon.
Neil Young has a great song called "Harvest Moon." The other night I sang a song my mother sang to me: "I see the moon, the moon sees me, down through the leaves of the old oak tree. Please shine the light that shines on me, Shine on the one I love. Over the mountains, over the seas, that's where my heart is longing to be. Please let the light that shines on me, shine on the one I love." :)
i saw it too, it was spectacular
LOVE the black and white pic
it was a great moon. I love your moon shot - I think the grainy-ness adds something special....
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