2007 is dwindling down, bit by bit. Apparently all our allotted midatlantic technicolor has been used up and won't be renewed till January 1. How do people in Cleveland live with so much gray? Or Portland, Oregon for that matter. I lived there once for a couple of years. The never-ending gray drove me literally crazy.
But it's just a couple more days and then ... onwards to the new year. I am ready.
Buffalo and Rochester also suffer from the greys...but the thing that saves them is prbably what saves Clevelanders--sitting right there on the shores of Great Lakes. Even Lake Erie has some powerful MoJo.
The great lakes really are great.
Portland only has the Williamette River, though it's very close to the great Columbia river. I spent a lot of time at those rivers, out in the river gorge especially. It does help.
It seems pretty gray in San Francisco, despite green hills and technicolor houses. Luckily I'm going for a hike tomorrow in Sonoma County.
ha! I doubt that Dennis has any healing energy to offer... but who knows what goes on while I am at work?
I'm reminded of the legend that folks who lose a familiar sense (eyesight, f'rinstance) develop a more intimate understanding of the others (hearing, f'rinstance)...
Thus, there MUST be beauty in the gray. It's natural, therefore how could it be wrong?
So I figure it's a challenge to stay focused. Of course I've always rooted for the underdog weather. No wonder I dug Juneau so bloody much.
Best of all things in the new year, be it gray or blessed by sunlight...
I'm with you, Reya. Bring back the technicolor! Interestingly, I find summer in DC somewhat monochromatic, too. There's something a deeply blue sky that makes everything seem all right...
Happy New Year to you!
Think of it as resting your eyes. :)
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