Where is my holiday spirit? It seems to have gone missing this year.
Ordinarily I'm no lover of the Christmas season, a behavioral pattern established during many years of Christmases spent in unhappy situations or alone. Usually I dread the day, the eve, the whole thing. I'm a big scrooge, bah-humbugging whenever possible. Last year I rallied my energy, sent cards, bought presents, even got them mailed off in time to meet the deadline, and though I still felt out of sorts about it, at least I celebrated.
This year? I'm not feeling against Christmas, nor am I feeling in a Christmas mood. I'm completely blank about the upcoming holiday, just around the corner at this point.
I bought some Christmas cards but I have yet to send out more than three or four. I almost bought some gift wrap today but then i remembered that I don't have any gifts to wrap up.
What gives?

ah Reya,
maybe you just need a bit of hohoho or some snow to help you out.
I'd be glad to send you some of ours, however at the moment it would be rather difficult to do. Our "snow" is wearing a hard-hat helmet of ice, which looks like a three inch or more coating of shellac. You can't walk on it; you can only look at its glossy, reflective, extremely slippery surface.
Bottoms up! (sorry, seems to go with your signage!)
This may help (not quite holiday-ish, but certainly festive):
Or this (holiday-ish, but...OMG!):
Happy happy!!!
Oh -- the belugas were on Cute Overload. I was so caught up in the weird cheer of the pic I forgot my whale empathy, of which I have much (I hope they at least douse that guy.)
But there are Many Other Cute Things there:
Thank you, Lori!
It's so strange how our culture has turned a simple religious holiday into an orgy of commercialism, stress and obligation. Really -- What Would Jesus Do?
I wouldn't send out a search party for the holiday spirit. Anyone who celebrates leaf fall, rain, and changes in sky color as observantly as you has nothing to prove.
I relate so much to how you feel, Reya, having had similar experiences of Christmas and resultantly much the same view. I try to remember my childhood wonder at Christmas and try to indulge my inner child - but it is often dampened by what is required and expected and demanded by others. And this orgy of consumerism and the sheer meaningless that has become Christmas really irks me.
So, I've put up my tree and have bought gifts and sent out a few cards but I'm still wandering around muttering bah humbug to myself.
It gets harder to get in the spirit every year. It shouldn't feel like work.
We still enjoy the Christmas lights, a gingerbread man and a token gift-- we usually go to the movies on christmas morning now! sometimes a double feature. Some years we go out for a latke or a knish and just wander around Mnahattan.
I suggest you wrap up something nice for yourself, and make sure you have books and music you love--and an extra long walk for Jake.
Jake's video--how I loved watching his cute shadow running along!
It gets harder to get in the spirit every year. It shouldn't feel like work.
We still enjoy the Christmas lights, a gingerbread man and a token gift-- we usually go to the movies on christmas morning now! sometimes a double feature. Some years we go out for a latke or a knish and just wander around Mnahattan.
I suggest you wrap up something nice for yourself, and make sure you have books and music you love--and an extra long walk for Jake.
Jake's video--how I loved watching his cute shadow running along!
I love every one of you, even the people I've never met. A toast to each of you. Thank you!
jake looks energetic - i love how the beginning and end are almost the same - well, same shadow, different pavement.
all the festivities can just seem too much effort and too loud and bright can't they? esp. if you've had a year of emotional "stuff" (thats a technical term) and life changes ... I get that. I'd go with Ched's suggestions - pamper yourself, get one or two fave films or films you've always wanted to watch and never got around to ...
Christmas is just another day for quite a lot of people around the world. you don't have to "be" anything. Just your lovely self.
Steve, your comment made me laugh, WWJD indeed!
I am sort of in the same spot - neither for or against, though I have put up a tree and decorations.
I like it when Jake's shadow takes a deep breath right at the very end. He's quite dramatic by nature.
ched will post some films that he will be watching yet again-- a mini film fest.
that dog on right in the last post-- is saying
yeah, i'm wearing a hat--so what?
hugs and lots of smiles to you....and come sunday each day will be a little lighter. bises
i love how shadow jakey has long legs most of the time, and shadow you has a very small and round head. i think mine and your xmas spirits are up on reypod bunging snowballs at each other and rolling around laughing
yesterday I was getting stocking stuffers with a friend, and she was engaged in an angry cell phone conversation with her ex for Much of the time--he kept calling, she took all calls-- I started to feel tense and stopped myself from getting down--Instead I interacted with others around us and let her do her thing-- but the point of this is--things could always be worse--I was feeling that my Christmas might be a bit blah, but I wouldn't trade places with a person who is going through a nasty divorce (angry kids too!) Suddenly I relaized how lucky I really am. I also want my friend to have a nice holiday--but it looks pretty grim for her.
Jake knows that the extended craziness of this season is best weathered with a walk, a sniff, and catching up on pee-mail. Hunker down, it's almost done. At least now, we have the light returning!
When all else fails we have thankfully our puppies to be thankful for and enjoy. Jakey (and his dramatic shadow )is (are?)adorable!
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