Many different spiritual traditions have a theology of triple souls, including Judaism. The Mongolian/Siberian shamanistic version is so interesting. One of the souls becomes a bird and flies to the upper world after death. Nice. The second soul belongs to nature. It will only incarnate as a human once. After death, that soul returns to nature, never to return in human form again. They say that when a person has a strong nature soul, they command respect, admiration, even awe, the kind of thing you would feel when looking at beautiful mountains or rivers.
The nature spirit can never leave the body. Once it's gone, you're dead. But the other two souls regularly come and go from the body. It's the soul of the lower world that so often gets lost or stolen. The underworld soul is the one shamans usually go after when doing a soul retrieval.
I know what those shamans mean when say someone has lost a bit of themselves. Anytime I see George W. Bush these days, I'm struck by how blank he seems. I believe he needs a shamanic soul retrieval ritual. Or ... maybe it's too late. It would be an interesting task, trying to bring his soul back. Or anyone's, really. Whew.
What I'm undergoing right now in conjunction with the work of the Sufi acupuncturist and the newly released seven dragons, feels like an extended soul retrieval ritual. That's why I can't write a post to save my life of late. I don't have words to explain my current experience. Hope, though, that you've enjoyed the pics.
The leaf looks trapped between worlds.
What will be its destiny?
GW: I'm not sure there is hope.
I think whatever substance there was in GWB has been sucked out of him by his 7 years in office. I don't think even a soul retrieval ritual could restore it.
The leaf picture is the perfect metaphor for what you are saying about the soul.
It will be interesting to see what voice you have after this healing path is completed.
You're probably right about Dubya - the Dementors got to him.
Thank you, Barbara. I love this pic, taken before the snow. Since the snow, the leaves are mangled and rotting away, as they should be in mid-December.
The healing path is ongoing, but it does feel like a new "voice" is emerging. Or maybe I'll learn how to be quiet for the first time in my life. Who knows?
I LOVE your pictures. You capture the seemingly banal and unextraordinary in ways that are simply breathtaking. I'll never look at a leaf caught in the handle of my car door or window the same again!
The Mongolian theory sounds perfectly reasonable to me. More so than science, that's certain.
Now if the Soul Retrieval Ritual on W doesn't bring about some kind of catastrophic Reality Implosion, we can call it a soundcheck for the REAL one, where we get Cheney on the couch and go retrieving...
Eris only knows what we'd dredge up on THAT one.
Thank you DC Confidential!
Cheney seems to be in possession of all parts of his soul - he doesn't have that blank thing that W has - in fact, a Mongolian shaman might decide that creepy old Dick is possessed by demons. In that case, they would do an extraction.
Is there a K Stree lobby pursuing Mongolian shamanistic healings for high ranking government officials? There isn't?? Gosh ... why not??
I love this leaf, trying so valiantly to open the door to...what? Escape? A drive down Route 66? And all her resting kin lying behind in the reflection...
A really nice find, Reya!
Yay! Mongolian Shamanism! I'm glad you decided to share some of that topic with us after all.
As for not writing, well, you HAVE been writing. And a picture is always worth 1,000 e-words anyway. :)
I enjoyed the pics AND the words!
oh please zap me when you ARE able to share some part of this whole process you are going through-- I would love to learn from it.
And your photographs, as always, are stunning.
One day, I'll get to see you...
you don't need to explain love!
sorry for quietness of late, i have been moving, and quietly feeling something new and exciting coming along, though i am not quite sure what just yet.....
It sounds like you're going through and experiencing something very wonderful and special, even if it's not terribly comfortable. If and when you are ready to talk about it, the words to share will come.
I am reminded of the Chinese view of yin and yang, the one energy ascending to the heavens, the other descending to the earth. I had the most profound experience when my golden boy died, I actually felt his energy soar up through his head, up through my hand, which was on his head and up through my arm and onto the beyond. I have no doubt then that the souls fly where they must go.
As to soulless, I have encountered people other than Dubbya, like this, and it is an almost sinister experience.
Go gently and thank you for sharing that stunning photo!
have most certainly been enjoying the wonderful photos - your eye is magical!
I think the dementors took w soul away long ago! I have gotten to the point where I can't hear his voice without experiencing a 'heartsink' feeling - blank and false.
the theory of the triple souls is most interesting - yet another example of the power of three!
so sorry I missed seeing you this trip down - definitely next time. xxx
the picture is so clean looking --i like the reflection of all the little leaves.
I like the little leaves, too.
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