What do you think this arrangement of feathers means? I doubt seriously that anyone arranged them; they were just like this on the pavement right in front of the house on Tennessee Avenue. Probably they are the detritus of some early spring bird fight, at least that's what they represent on the most superficial level.
What I'm asking is, what are they showing me about my life? You see, I believe the whole world is an on-going, three dimensional, full fledged divination, pointing out to me - and you, too - everything we need to know. If only I was better at interpretation, I would never make a false step.
(pause while I laugh at myself)
Equally as potent as feather arrangements, cloud shapes, weather patterns and other divinatory signs and sigils are our national monuments, standing like huge runes or tarot cards, available at all times as shapes worth contemplating.
I feel lately that I am being pointed very specifically in the direction of happiness and connection by way of new doors, windows, and interaction with people I knew long ago. By changing my memories of my past I believe I am altering my future as well. If that's a delusion, well, OK. At least it's a happy delusion, right? Oh yeah.

I love finding meaning in ordinary things. Looks like the feathers are telling you that you have choices, which one you follow is completely up to you!
"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change" Can't remember who said that - someone obviously much smarter than moi. Every breath is a choice .....I choose happiness. It sounds as though you are re-arranging your top ten - Bravo.
I believe that past memories are what makes each of us very special.
Even those that make us fearful or angry are part of who we are. What we do with those thoughts and how we learn from them are what can lead us to a brighter future.
I enjoy finding feathers too. They remind me of a special someone who broke my heart. Whenever I see one, I think of him...
Andrea! Great interpretation!!
I was struck by how evenly spaced the feathers were. It's so orderly.
Mary, I believe I am choosing happiness. I always was a late bloomer. Better late than never!
You just SEE.
You interpret things that most of us never pay attention to. I have started to pay more attention because of you.
You just ARE.
You are so blessed to be able to see these things.
Thank you so much for showing us these things. It is so great of you to do this. I hope you find all you want in your future and yes maybe the past will help. I have noticed that everyone sees the past differently. I guess it is the same thing when they test people to see how well they do as eye witnesses.
You would probably notice things that we would not.
Great picture of the sky. Now I will notice all those pidgeon feathers out there.
ooooooooooooooooooh perfect. a definite sign! indeed! angelic. triangular. the father the son and the holy spirit sort of thingy...!? xxx j
Thank you so much Mrsupole for your blessing and appreciation. Very cool.
And you, magical janelle, oh yeah. I'd thought about the 3 of wands in the tarot, often called "virtue" which about balance of body-mind-spirit. Same idea as the holy trinity, at least in my cosmology.
ok, in this formation i see the three different levels of life on this earth - physical, emotional and spiritual. the feathers represent balance or inbalance in your life. see how the three feathers touch at the base and then fan out in different directions- it is suggesting to you that you are focusing your energies in three different directions instead of bringing them together for greater harmony/ blance. when we are not aligned ( so to speak) we feel 'out of whack' (so to speak.)
Just my thoughts and i have tried to be as non- weirdo as possible.
FEATHERS mean spiritual messages- something is trying to tell you to get yourself back into balance.......
Lisa xxx
I love the way you are in tune with your life with its signs and intuitions. It's healthy, not delusional!
Taking flight, and leaving something of you behind. In some way, I think we always do.
"Probably they are the detritus of some early spring bird fight, at least that's what they represent on the most superficial level."
Actually, they look like pigeon feathers....
past, present and future perhaps?
Have you asked for guidance with something in the last few days?
All things come from the one Source of all things and what IT is trying to tell us. Whether we choose to listen to them or not, and how we interpret them, is up to us, isn't it? 3 has been a very important number in many spiritual teachings. There is no such thing as a coincidence.
And speaking of bird fights...the next time you see birds having a physical altercation over territory, food, or anything else, observe how it ends. When the birds separate, they just flap their wings to relieve the excess energy and go about the business of daily life, carrying no grudge or animosity in the least. If only people would learn from this simple message of spiritual guidance.
I really like the idea that by changing your past memories you can alter your future. No, wait. I don't like — I LOVE IT.
How you perceived things back then may have skewed your outlook on life. Looking back you can correct it with all the knowledge of yourself and others that you've gained throughout the years. A great way to liberate yourself!
Divination is ment to bring to the mind the things that we cant see, that are usually right in front of us. It is a wonderful thing to take the time to pay attention to the subtle hints the world around us will give. I believe that the thing that sticks out the most in your mind when you saw the feathers is what the feathers are telling you. You mentioned how orderly the feathers were, maybe thats the hint. Now I certainly dont know you or your life but maybe thats what the feathers or saying. Just a thought.
On the path behind our home in Silver Spring, MD, we used to always see feathers like this. They were left by a SanterĂa cult. Feathers finding was a big deal for my grandfather too, heavily involved in Ekenkar. I think the most important meaning in any symbol, is the one that you glean for yourself.
Reya , I think it´s very important what where you tinking by the time you find the feathers... I want to point sth. out here none of them are pointing to the right ... I found that rather curious!! ... other idea that came to my mind ... "to take things lightly" ??? what do you think?
By the way I agree with Willow ... it´s a healthy attitude!
To me these are just three feathers that landed on the ground the way they did because that's the way they landed! And their significance in your life can only be known by you, since only you know what image, memory, inspiration, or wish they brought to your mind. That said, I love things in threes!
Before I read Andrea's comment, I had the same thought. It's all about choices.
The mere fact that you pay attention enough to notice these feathers and clouds and trees speaks volumes about who you are. Even if they aren't 'signs' per se, they at least give you reason to stop and contemplate where you are going.
Lisa I totally agree with you! And Analog Man, I pray every morning, asking at the end of my talk with God to be guided by divine wisdom and love. So I'm always looking for signs of that guidance, constantly.
Ya'll are excellent at this! Wow, thank you so much.
In fact I do need to get myself back into a balanced state. Have been flying high this past week on old acquaintances coming back into my life, my new door, etc. Now it's time to settle down and focus on the earth again.
THANK YOU ALL so sincerely. Much of the divine guidance I ask for every day comes from friends. THANK YOU!
I think that the feathers look like the profile of a coyote -- they are telling you how very clever you are!
I hope that molting was natural and not cat-induced. :)
It's interesting how our brains locate patterns in all the things around us. We're made to impose order on a disorderly world, at least in our own minds!
It is fascinating to read about your process in "divining" meaning from the world around you.
You have a philosophical and reflective bent which is so incredibly appealing to me.
I've come to believe in the significance of feathers and other signs in nature. No doubt what it's trying to tell you will become apparent to you. I suspect you'll continue coming upon feathers until you figure it out. Good luck. :)
As with any symbol,image or sign, the only valid interpretation is the one that resonates with you.
When I first saw the feathers I noticed that they were all facing left, which to me is the past, they are all 3 on the left side of 12 o'clock. You could have chosen to photograph them so they faced in another direction but you didn't.
Haven't you been talking a lot about the past and your impressions of the past??? that's where your energy has been...
Oh, you've many directions, Reya, to focus on. Can you see it?
I only glanced for a second, but the first thing to come to mind is the doomsday clock. 11 o'clock.
Delwyn, how cool. Yes I've been focused on the past, but it's time to turn to the future. Which path will I take? Hmmm... we shall see.
Oooooh...those feathers are bad juju! No such thing as accidents, and no such thing as three feathers being placed asymmetrically and perfectly like those you show.
When I find a feather or more on my path, I always pick it up. For me, I take it as a sign of blessing. When it's a three feather day, it really lifts my spirits. I keep a box of found feathers.
Your three are beautiful and their position is amazing. Your instinct will tell you what they mean to you.
happily delusional. its a good name for a song.
Its all up to interpretation I think.
you take the most interesting photos,amazing!...
xx lori
To those who predicted bad juju, yes it's true that in one area I was headed in the wrong direction. Other things are going stunningly well.
I liked what Andrea and Tut said, that I have choices and many directions in which I could head.
I don't think any divination is bad. If it shows someplace where I might stumble, that's good juju, at least that's the way I see it.
Thanks for the nice post about my being too lazy to go downstairs to get my polorizer! :)
My interpretation of the feathers is that everyone can give you advice as to what it would mean to them, but those feathers were left there for you to find, and it is up to you to interpret them.
You are absolutely right about changing your memories to alter the future.
I love all of your photos. Very, very nice. If you are ever in Crisfield, do stop in. There is some good shootin' around these parts.
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