Dear Brother Wind,
You are precocious, blasting through town as you did yesterday and this morning. You are a March wind, right? You're not like those metallic winds of December and January, no, those winds are thin and icy, dry as bones. You, my dear brother, carry a promise of something hardly perceivable just yet. Your rawness has a moisture to it that barely hints of spring.
You're cold and sneaky, slipping up the cuffs of my jacket, down my neck, turning my face bright red. Even as cold as you are, though, I hear a whisper underneath all your bravado. It's a spring whisper, it is.
Yesterday while you were trying to blow me into the river, did you hear me laughing? It felt good having all that old winter energy blown away. Yes, it felt good, gave me the giggles even as I was shivering and cursing. Wear the mask of winter, if you like, come early if you please (and apparently you do), but you are a March wind. I see you.

great photos with words to matchx
You always paint a mental picture to match your photos so perfectly..the winds of creativity.
I do feel stirred with creativity, Mary, you're reading that perfectly. I have a good feeling about this spring. But ... we shall see.
Hi Reya, love your letter to the wind!! from Bariloche , Patagonia , Merrim.
how exciting - spring in the air! i love that capricious wind too x
Yes, he's a March wind, just here a bit early. Lovely, Reya.
This reminds me a bit of Millay, by the way!
Good morning, Reya. While you're having March winds in D.C., I'm under a tropical storm mass in Mexico. It's reduced my message box to a vertical strip about an inch across! Hoping this gets through - loved your post.
You paint such a wonderful word picture.
Millay? Wow. I am honored.
Beautiful! The whispery wind doth bring the spring ... here we have tassels hanging from trees a sure sign of spring. Photos to come.
The words entrance. But the last photo is magical. . . the shadows, the shine, the reflections. You've made me miss D.C. today.
Kuddos to your dog, love seeing him, his shadow in the pix. He needs to get credit LOL!
That 'ole wind, yep, has been carryin' its stories from east to west on the stream of collective consciousness. I started a dialogue of nature's forces the other day myself *laugh*
It's true that there's a big difference between cold late winter winds and cold autumn winds.
There's a promise of warmer days ahead!
Give my regards to Jake.
But according to my Farmers' Almanac, we're in for a very cold March...at least here in the NE Atlantic corridor.
I do love a good March wind!
Yes, your creativity is building, spiraling--up! What was your Imbloc wish. I wonder? You are rushing headlong to your next signpost.
Reya this was fantastic. Thank you for the great post.
Thank you so much for deciding to follow my blog, it's allowed me to actually get here, having seen your name in all the blogs we share. I love your photographs, especially the tree one couple of posts down. And your words here made me feel that breeze blowing away the cobwebs.
very poetic, and i can see you shaking your fist and throwing insults after the wind...does Jake in his picture seem a bit cowed by the wind?
That same wind reached all the way up the east coast to New England yesterday, but you're right, it's different. There are other clues too, the lengthening days, the slant of sunlight. All of it gives it away, Spring is close by!
you are so kind to brother wind....i didn't have such kind thoughts about him yesterday as i was running about...i actually started fantasizing about borrowing a car....but i persevered and today is quite cold but brother wind seems to have calmed down - thank goodness....
Yes,brother wind is not my favourite, but you have made him sound quite delightful.Your photos were wonderfully placed Reya - I look forward to coming here to see what you have captured in your wonderfully unique way.
You represent the sentiment of everyone on the Northern Hemisphere. March is around the corner, then summer. Keep us visualizing the future, won't you?
It appears Brother Wind and a last blast of cold have come south. Thanks for the lovely posting, a pick-me-=up after my busy day.
Jake is a very handsome fellow!
Reya - I have been thinking more about yesterdays' topic of relationships and because I have been struggling with downloading and applying textures in photoshops I have found an analogy there.
Sometimes when you meet someone it may be a little thing as simple as the way she flicks her hair out of her eyes that sets your brain in a backwards downwards convoluted spiral that weaves in an out of your history and experiences at an instantaneous rate and in a completely subliminal manner, til it eventually returns to you as a gut feeling and you think " yep - I'm going to like this girl and I just know I can relate to her" or you think " no - don't waste your time here." Its like those dozens of subactions in applying textures in PS that somehow arrive at a result but in this case it is felt not seen.
Yours, is my favorite blog. Beautiful as always.
I really enjoyed this post. Must go read it again. I appreciate your windy thoughts...
Beautiful photos. Beautiful words.
Sounds like you want spring to arrive soon, Reya. It will. Wind always blows in change.
You just seem to capture the wind with your picture, and talking to the wind is so great.
Jake sure has been taking a lot of wonderful walks lately. His master is such a nice person to do this with him.
Thank you again.
Amazing photography, as always. Great post!
making it a point to comment on all dog photos i see during my first time blogging, love wooffies because it created the product Pup-peroni
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