Saturday, July 12, 2008

Soul Food

Studying soul retrieval is turning out to be excellent in every way possible. I'm learning so much that even if I never put it all together, it will still have all been worthwhile.

I've learned for instance that the soul's commitment to the body can be capricious. Who knew? Our human bodies are ensouled for such a short time (compared to the life of spirit which is probably endless) that bits and pieces tend to come and go. In Chinese medicine it's believed that the Shen, a significant chunk of soul in that tradition, lives in the heart. The Shen can get displaced by too much emotion, especially the scary ones like anger. Even a stepped-up heartbeat can make the Shen uneasy. Moderation in all things, they say in TCM - for such a good reason!

Some other cool "facts" - good deeds strengthen the soul's commitment to the body. I'm told that forgiveness can be considered a good deed. (Letting your job, friends or family suck you dry, also known as codependence, is not a good deed and will not strengthen the soul.) Another one of my favorite new "facts" is this: anything that opens the heart, whether it's love, sadness, beauty, or whatever, strengthens the "throne" of the soul. A strong throne means the soul will be "well seated" - and thereby more willing to stick with the body through good times and bad.

This morning's question: What is the impact of birth on the soul? We know what happens at death - it's ya me despido for the soul. But at birth what happens? Some kind of soul infusion? (Thanks for that phrase lacochran.)

Part of my plan for growing old with style includes learning something new every day. This training is definitely fulfilling that goal, and then some! My head loves being kept busy. Oh yeah!


Deborah said...

the Jewish idea is that at birth the soul is breathed into us--like ruach(on the wind)

perhaps the same wind horse who takes our prayers into the sky--brings our souls into our bodies--

Reya Mellicker said...

Oh yeah. That's good.

I've never seen a horse in a delivery room, but I've definitely sensed angelic presence. Maybe angels breathe the soul into the baby. Then the separation is from the mother's soul at the same time? Hmmm..

mouse (aka kimy) said...

you raise the question of the impact of birth on the soul...interesting to think about - I'll have to ponder this for a while more.

we can make a very strong case showing how our 'reality' is 'socially constructed' and I would further this and state that our souls are 'cosmically and karmically constructed'-- and perhaps the human being (and associated soul)being birthed is impacted greatly by many many variables - including the birth experience itself... the energy of the birthing mother and all the attendants are I think of relevance. ..... ah....points to ponder.... lots and lots of levels to explore....intriguing

Reya Mellicker said...

If I have intrigued you, Kim, then I am honored.

Gary said...

Reya, this is so interesting. As I read I got confused a bit between what constitutes a good deed and getting sucked dry. I think there is sometimes a fine line between the two. We kind of touched upon this in our conversation (what is selfish?) but although I realize that it seem pretty easy to know the difference in theory, in practice it gets muddled.

Keep growing and learning my friend.

Reya Mellicker said...

Sucked dry is such a different thing than doing a good deed. Good deeds "feed" both parties. In a sucked-dry situation, only one side benefits.

I like forgiveness as a good deed. After it's done, both parties are free. Does that make sense?

Anonymous said...

we r conscious of the impressions as we can take in our environment w using our new senses w/o any awareness of what this information as it uses its initial development process developing our abilities using this data abling the processing of more developed info on the development process of our abilities in process of development
in the middle of it alL i take the oppurtunity to remind u of the fundamental thought in scientific view on our existence n the nature of alL things:
'question everything'
answered served ready to swalLow wholy bitesized romanticized idealized digestions of horse bulL ape or whateva stilL comes out as shit n thats the beauty of it, folks
evolution is a revolutionary solution
mind behind future thinking keep ahead as past is last as it remains
Visdom, knoledge, reason, logic, nature, neuropsychology, biology

Anonymous said...

we r conscious of the impressions as we can take in our environment w using our new senses w/o any awareness of what this information as it uses its initial development process developing our abilities using this data abling the processing of more developed info on the development process of our abilities in process of development
in the middle of it alL i take the oppurtunity to remind u of the fundamental thought in scientific view on our existence n the nature of alL things:
'question everything'
answered served ready to swalLow wholy bitesized romanticized idealized digestions of horse bulL ape or whateva stilL comes out as shit n thats the beauty of it, folks
evolution is a revolutionary solution
mind behind future thinking keep ahead as past is last as it remains
Visdom, knoledge, reason, logic, nature, neuropsychology, biology

Gary said...

It does. Perhaps I am just over thinking things again.