Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Somewhat of a fizzle

Happy Beltaine! (sound of deflating balloon ... pfffffffffffffft).

A friend says that considering the energy of this moment, it's important - crucial even - to celebrate the incredible fertility and possibility of Beltaine. Here in the midatlantic, today and tomorrow mark the highest gloriousness of spring. Oh the blooms! Oh the greenery. Everything is super saturated, overblown. Everything is in serious heat. Tomorrow will be clear with temps around 70 F. It will be absolute perfection.

We humans, in order to dance in shamanic alignment with the energy, should be flirtatious, we should be all come hither, just like the trees and flowers. But after getting punched in the gut (Boston Marathon bombings, blowup in West Texas, for instance), it's a little bit hard to par-tay.

And too there's this bloody eclipse energy, all Saturnian and Scorpionic. It's rather hard to trip the light fantastic in the midst of the intensity. I have a feeling it would be a struggle even if I were 25. But who knows?

No matter the heavy energy of the moment, I'm smiling today. I put down a hefty deposit on a condo lakeside at Canadaigua Lake. I'll rent a kayak, cook, watch movies on a screen larger than my ipad. I'll visit wineries and charming little towns, go for a massage of course - but mostly I'll be in the condo, decompressing. Oh man.

I hope to get a couple of friends to come with me. But even if I go alone, it will be glorious.

A panoramic view of the lake, a kayak in which to explore the watery realm, stars at night, and wi-fi on one of the finger lakes in New York state. Oh yeah. I'll have to take a sweatshirt, and long pants. It's so good to have this to look forward to, a break at the end of a sweltering DC summer.

I'm not exactly reveling in Beltaine this year, hey? OK, fine. Mama said there'd be days like this. And I have something wonderful to look forward to. Que sera sera.


Steve Reed said...

Wow, Reya, that sounds terrific! I love the finger lakes area. Go to Ithaca -- have some vegetarian food at Moosewood Restaurant. Fabulous! And yes, decompress in the condo. I'm jealous!

Christine said...

Happy Beltane Reya.It was considered very unlucky to light a fire in your home from May Eve to sunset on May Day and "New fire" would be brought back from the community bonfire.
It was the responsibility of the children to gather nettles for nettle soup
Just some trivia from Ireland
Enjoy your lake side retreat sounds wonderful

ellen abbott said...

I thought for a minute that you were buying a condo and moving! Silly me. Just a vacation.

Reya Mellicker said...

Just a vacation.