The Age of Pisces is over. That age was all about heroes, leaders who rose up to guide the rest of we faceless followers. Whether it was the Pope, a president, the king, or a general in the military, we organized our communities around The One, almost always a man, who could guide us.
The Age of Aquarius is about the collective, about how every individual has a role to play. The revolution in Egypt is such a perfect example of the way the world is in the brand new age. After thirty years, Mubarak stepped down, not in response to a call from one individual, but from the masses, literally.
My sense of what this is, I mean the blog world, also Facebook, Twitter - all the ways we interconnect over the internet - this is the ground, the matrix, the foundation for the way in which we will co-create destiny. The Star Mandarins will play a part, but not in the same way they used to. Of course the way we conduct ourselves in "real" life matters, my goodness yes. Think globally but act locally. However the resonance of what we publish on the network (as the Star Mandarins call the internet) is greatly magnified. Once we put it on the network, whatever we've published becomes instantly available to everyone else who is connected. It's very powerful.
Each of us, then, has a responsibility to think carefully about how we use this network. The power of this way of connecting is monumental, though no one person or small group of leaders can control it. It's up to all of us to use this brand new format to create a healthy foundation for the upcoming jump in evolution. May I say right now that I am so grateful to Tess of Willow Manor, for throwing her Willow Manor Ball every year, a way in which we gather for a day of glamour and fun, and create community in a way that's both miraculous and silly. I'm patting myself on the back for starting the Bridgid Poetry Slam here (something that has also migrated to Facebook). On February 1 or 2nd, the network is infused with poetry. That can't hurt, right?
I'm in awe this morning thinking about how well I know ... for instance ... Ellen of the blog Ellen's Head. I've never met Ellen in "real" life, but we are very close. It's not fake or virtual, it's a real closeness. I'm thinking about my band of "gypsies" as a group of ten of us call ourselves. All of us attended the same high school, lost track of each other, but then reconnected on Facebook. We are truly and genuinely there for each other, seeing each other through all kinds of ups and downs.
It feels more important than ever, to me at least, to eschew all forms of propaganda. In fact I feel kind of bad for posting a link to a picture of Hitler the other day - as if we really need another image of him on the network, for heaven's sake.
Everything we publish becomes part of the tapestry. So, in order to help co-create a culture of beauty, balance, and delight (thanks Donald Engstrom), I'm going to think really carefully - even more carefully than I already do - about what I put out.
It's an extraordinary time. Chaotic right now, yes. Shake it, shake it, baby. (Sending Reiki and soothing energy to the citizens of Christchurch, New Zealand this morning.) The old ways and old structures are falling away and there's no valiant white man out there to tell us what to do next. We are going to have grow up. No one great leader is going to save us. It's time for us to save ourselves. Isn't that cool?
Wow, Reya, I am so grateful that I can come and read your blog every day. You blow mw away. It is like a lifeline for me right now. Your words resonate with such deep truth that I can feel it physically. Thank you!
Yes, it's very cool. I try to avoid negative energy all the time because I'm always thinking about "garbage in garbage out". Perhaps even thinking about avoiding it gives the negative energy a little power. I'll think more about putting the positive out so the positive will come in. Yes that is better. You're such a great teacher Reya :)
Well, thanks you two!
I think "negative" is a part of the world, too, and I'm not against publishing bad news, but when I do I want to have thought carefully about how I present that kind of information. Am I trying to get people riled up? Or am I passing along information that can help others become more compassionate, helpful or wise?
Just now I was invited to visit Tanzania from an FB friend who lives close to Kilamanjaro. He works with horses and is friends with Janelle whose blog "Ngorobob Hill House" is one of my all-time favorites. Would I EVER have made friends in Tanzania ten years ago? Of course not! How could I? Now I have good friends there. Crazy cool!!
Just BRILLIANT! No other words can be used today!
Love you and Peace to all...
I've known for a while how powerful our words can be on our blogs - which is why I choose VERY carefully any serious topic I might write about. Poetry - well there's no hope there, it's just going to be whatever it is. But going on a rant about people buying insurance to make sure their pets are cared for after the rapture - I had to really think about whether to post that. I might not think that I'm all that, but someone reading my words doesn't know that!
That said, I don't think I've ever been wounded or damaged by anything you've written - you're always so thoughtful anyway.
True, very true. Been wathing this play out for a while now. And am ALWAYS trying to impress upon students what an infinite audience they get. Even on log-in sites like Facebook and LiveJournal.
It's more an energetic thing. Yes the specific words matter, yes.
I love that thing the great saxophonist Sonny Rollins said, that when he plays, he knows that those sounds go out into the world, they become part of the world.
Not for a second do I think everything we put out has to be perfect or positive - no way - that would not reflect our species or relationships accurately and would therefore just become some pie-in-the-sky network of idealism.
I like "reality" (whatever that means). Thoughtfulness, whenever possible, seems like the right intention here on the network.
A little of this, a little of that, including our mistakes and/or negativity MUST be included. Maybe thoughtfully though. Ya think?
Thanks Reya. I feel the same way.
I feel like I'm being tested this year and I'm trying hard not to let negativity get the best of me. I'm trying to get through this period with equanimity if not optimism.
Just be real, Ellen. You're great at that!
Oh Wow. My blog this morning covered the same ground in a different manner, asking people to shut out the bullying outer voices that are so prevalent today.
You also used one of my favorite metaphors...that of a tapestry we weave with each other. It's up to us and us alone to know what that tapestry will look like. We must all work together to weave it with intent to achieve what we seek.
Thank you for the graceful, cogent way in which you present your ideas.
The matrix has been laid down for's time to weave a masterpiece. ♥
Well said, Reya. The third path in Buddha's Eightfold path is Wise Speech. The network is a great place to put that aspect of the Path into practice. And in regard to eschewing propaganda, turning off all corporate sponsored news media, including NPR, is a good starting point.
reya - when i began to share the larger presence of my presence i wrote: "i am an introspective, quiet, thoughtful, often lost, sometimes found, conglomeration of people, events, and expectations filled and unfulfilled who meanders around a relatively small portion of this earth bringing what goodness i can to the time i am given." that's where i'm at. i just want whatever part of the world intersects my part to know goodness. i let my head and my heart stay as open as is possible and let in and out what passes by and through. it's that simple. steven
Steven I wish everyone would listen to you.
Living the Chinese curse- that we be born in interesting times- Yup- We're here and who knows why or what one might offer- I bring nothing to the table because i mostly splash around in the shallows- This time ( or so I am told by my so called spirit guides) I am just along for the ride. But I am ever grateful to those who toss me in the deep end occasionally- Thanks Reya- I can swim but I am lazy....or weary, whichever.This life is So tiny sometimes I don't even bother to wake it up.
This is a very thought provoking post. I try to be careful about what I post on my blog and on FB where I try to stay relatively quiet. After reading your words I will reflect and be even more thoughtful in my writing. I guess in the same way that the words we say can not be taken back neither can the words we post. Once they are out there they remain indefinitely even when deleted.
Thanks for sharing your perspective Reya.
Linda Sue - you always write things like this but I don't perceive you this way. Shallow? I don't see that. I don't.
Just had the same epiphany. Unfortunately, I learned slow and hard. I was not brave enough to stand in my own shoes, and so 'have done what Romans have done' to my own detriment. This week, I made a huge stand and removed myself from all that I have known for 15 year. I ditched my Fb account and have started a love filled, high vibrational page which is in tune with who I really am inside. Realising that it is my responsibilty to spread love and wisdom instead of crap has been huge. Not because I wasn't aware, but because I was too scared of upsetting the old paradigm.Like a fool I leaped off the cliff. Here's hoping I can finally make a positive difference to the grid.
I love your blog anyway but I love the light that shines through like a spring morning. And everyone else's comments. Gentle and strong reminders. I so often feel lost in the recent catalogue of events. I feel a wonderful perspective has been gifted me from visiting. Thank you!
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