Monday, April 2, 2012

What's true?

It was fated that you would find the truth.
Now, tracing your way as if in a dream,
past where the sea meets the sky,
you slowly fade from the world in your fragile boat.
How calm are the water and the moon!
And how calm the fishes and dragons at the sound
of your chanting.
Always the eye watches just beyond the horizon
to the guiding light of your simple lantern.

--Ch'ien Ch'i


X said...


jeanette from everton terrace said...

Those trees are beautiful.
The poem kind of reminds me of a child growing and leaving home.

Reya Mellicker said...

A friend of mine recites this every morning as part of his daily practice. Wow.

Reya Mellicker said...

A friend of mine recites this every morning as part of his daily practice. Wow.

Mary Ellen said...

Lovely! And I love the sweet frothiness of the new leaves and blossoms.

Val said...

thats beautiful