Friday, September 12, 2008

Flip the Switch

Yesterday was quiet and gloomy in Washington DC. The 911 Pentagon memorial opened, but otherwise, nothing much happened. There were no Obama fundraising parties, no grand openings or other such events. Remembering and grieving require a lot of space and silence, and any seven year anniversary (of anything) is always especially potent.

Other than the pervasive, brooding dark overcast, I had no complaints. As a severe introvert, space and quiet always makes more sense to me than a lot of noise and commotion, even if the quiet is the result of a lot of sadness.

The dark overcast continues this morning, but our somber day of remembrance is over. Today the action will crank up again, in the presidential campaign, in Congress, and here in the house on Tennessee Avenue, where my housemates will hold a dinner party tonight.

Life goes on. L'chaim, ya'll. And happy weekend.


tut-tut said...

I'm hoping to see much more of Obama and Biden, rather than that woman. I think the country needs to seem them out and about, affirming real change and real, honest hopefulness.

Severe introvert? Your blog makes you seem quite otherwise! But I can relate . . .

Steve Reed said...

What a beautiful leaf! L'chaim, indeed.

lettuce said...

7 years. Its hard to believe that its that long ago - and that recent.

the leaf is lovely. i remember. autumn isn't so bad after all.

happy weekend to you dear reya